Tilt to Live HD Gets With It


We just submitted Tilt to Live HD with Game Center to Apple. It should be out in the next week or so. So what’s changed in this update for HD?

What’s New:

  • Game Center Leaderboards
  • Game Center Achievements
  • Multitasking support

What’s fixed:

  • Fixed bug that kept scores/awards from uploading to GameCenter if app was minimized during gameplay
  • Fixed bug that caused game not to spawn enemies when in weak wi-fi or 3G signal (weird, I know)
  • Fixed issues with disappearing vortexes, caused when multiple vortexes were on screen

What’s improved:

  • Tweaked steam effects in Frostbite mode

And that’s that! The Viva la  Turret expansion is still coming to the iPad sometime in January. So see you all in 2011! Hope you have a Happy New Year!

Categories: Tilt to Live HD

Tilt to Live: The Musical


With the new update, Tilt to Live finally has enough music to make a short soundtrack! You can stream it all you want below. The only track we couldn’t secure the rights to was Gauntlet’s theme, so our apologies to fans of the mambo.

You could also support our composer by buying a copy on our Bandcamp site ($1.99), or on iTunes ($3.99 – we can’t tell iTunes what to charge). Or if you’re quick, you could click here and enter one of these five codes to get it for free:


Ten more free copies are heading out to our mailing list today, all of whom are getting a coupon code that reduces the soundtrack to 90¢. Now we’re friends with benefits!

Dia Del Turret Hoy


Viva la Turret is now available for In-App Purchase in iPhone’s Tilt to Live! If you’re on the fence about dropping 99¢, maybe this trailer will help.

Categories: News, Tilt to Live

December 22nd – Dia Del Turret


Having cleared up our indiscretions with the turret update, One Man Left has been removed from the naughty list and given a big ‘ole sack of approval. Viva la Turret will be in your hands December 22nd! God bleth uth, every one.

Trailer coming soon!

Categories: Tilt to Live

We are classy.


Update: The new “¡Viva la Turret!” version is being submitted tonight, so the delay may only amount to a week or two.

It is apparently in bad taste to name your gametype after an affliction for which perfectly nice people are ridiculed. Lesson learned. The gametype formerly known as Turret’s Syndrome has met strong opposition over what is perceived, by some, as objectionable content. We’re now in the process of renaming it “¡Viva la Turret!” and resubmitting the update.

How will this affect the December delivery of Turret’s Syndrome? It’s likely to push it into early January, but we’re exploring every possible avenue to deliver this month. We’ll keep you updated.

Categories: News, Tilt to Live

How to Cope With Turret’s Syndrome


We’re one week closer to the release of Tilt to Live‘s Turret’s Syndrome expansion later this month. You blog-&-facebook-&-twitter followers were the first to see the new weapon, and now you’re the first to get the details of our fifth gametype: Turret’s Syndrome. Check out the new music by Tilt to Live’s always-excellent composer, Whitaker Blackall.

[audio:http://www.onemanleft.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Turrets-Syndrome-Theme-Fade-Out.mp3|titles=Whitaker Blackall: Turret’s Syndrome Theme]

Turret's Syndrome Screenshot

Your Arsenal

Turret’s Syndrome will feature only one weapon type: the Perforator turret. In last week’s post, we mentioned that the dots would incinerate when they reached the turret pod, rendering you invincible. In Classic and Code Red that’s true, but it’s not the case in Turret’s Syndrome!

To be specific, the Perforator lasts 6 seconds and there is NO eject button. So for those six, point-earning seconds, you’ll be vulnerable to droves of dots bearing down on you from all angles. A word of caution: the deadliest formations are actually WAITING for you to get into a turret. You can shoot them at long range or, for an up-close-and-personal touch, fry them by sweeping your gun barrel.

The Jewels

You may be thinking it’s best to hop from turret to turret all day long. But what keeps this mode interesting is its multiplier system, which makes the difference between a “meh” highscore and a “MUAHAHAHA” one.

In TS, each dot is carrying a jewel in its little dot purse. The more dots you blow away, the more jewels litter the battlefield. Once your turret ends, you’re free to snag as much moolah as possible before entering another. But choose wisely! The jewels you don’t collect will disappear for good.

Jewels will multiply the points you earn in a turret. Grab 20 jewels before hopping in, and your kills are multiplied by 20. But multipliers only stick around for the life of one turret, so you’ll need to keep collecting jewels between Perforators for a truly great score.

Feeding the Turret

Turret's Syndrome ScreenshotBut what if you’ve got x200 multiplier, and aren’t ready to say goodbye just yet?

While you’re occupying one turret, the other pickup is floating innocently around the arena. Shooting that pickup actually draws it closer, like a tractor beam. Once it reaches you, a shockwave shoves your pursuers away, your Perforator’s life extends by 6 seconds, and your multiplier stays alive! The trick is knowing when to fire at your enemies, and when to go for that pickup. You’ll find yourself in a deadly game of chicken, praying that your weapon reaches you before the dots do!

When Oh When Oh When Is It Coming?!

Turret’s Syndrome has been finalized and submitted to Apple for approval. Once we’re given the okay, we’ll have a definite release date for you guys. For now, the best we can tell you is, based on past experience, we expect it to be out this month. The expansion for iPhone’s Tilt to Live will cost a mere 99¢, with a similar arrangement coming to Tilt to Live HD shortly afterward.

Don’t forget to join our mailing list for a chance to win one of 10 free copies of Turret’s Syndrome on launch day!

Categories: Tilt to Live

Meet the Perforator


This week, we’re proud to unveil the next unlockable for your TtL weapon arsenal. Ladies and gents, the Perforator turret:

Hopping into this new pickup triggers a shockwave, shoving nearby dots backward (or smashing them to pieces against a wall). You’ll appreciate the breathing room when your mini-gun armor sprouts, spewing dot-chewing bullets in whichever direction you tilt. Dots that get too close will disintegrate against your hot metal pod. And when your turret finally overheats, a second shockwave shoves the survivors back for your escape.

The Perforator will be the star of our new gametype, Turret’s Syndrome, similar to the Burnicade in Frostbite mode. You can use it in that gametype from the start, but you’ll have to unlock it for Code Red and Classic. Unlike previous unlocks, though, the turret won’t be earned by grabbing awards (you’ve all had too much time to buffer those Pocket Scores). Instead, all of your scores in Turret’s Syndrome will be added to a pool of points. Earn enough lifetime points in TS, and the Perforator is unleashed upon the other, unsuspecting gametypes.

That’s all you’re getting out of us this week! Stop by next week for more on the new gametype, and how this weapon fits in.

Categories: Tilt to Live



Without further ado (well, maybe just a little more ado) we now decode the codename of Project Codename, Tilt to Live‘s next expansion. First came Code Red & Gauntlet mode, then Frostbite & the Burnicade weapon. Coming this December, cover your children’s ears for the new Turret’s Syndrome gametype and the Perforator turret.

The graphics envelope has been pushed, the spaghetti western musical theme is coming along beautifully from composer Whitaker Blackall, and I’ve already witnessed significant battery drain from gameplay (this is how we know when we’re on the right track).

The Turret’s Syndrome expansion will be released for the iPhone version of the game first, with an iPad edition to follow. You will not want to miss next week’s post for a first look at the Perforator turret (in mid-perforation, no less).

Categories: Tilt to Live

What We’re Playing – Nov ’10


You may find it surprising that we play video games! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s distracting us from work this month.

Adam – Artist

Per usual, I do a lot more console gaming than iDevice play. Recently got through Alan Wake, which is a really engrossing single player experience that I couldn’t get enough of (and I have the DLC to prove it). Also played through Metroid: Other M, which I’d prefer to forget ever happened.

Highborn (or HD or Lite): I’m not usually a strat game kinda guy (unless you count Brutal Legend), but this one was charming enough to hold my interest from start to finish. Like a less-complicated Advance Wars, with dialogue that doesn’t physically hurt to read. Good variety in the boss designs and level scenarios, so I was compelled to see it through to the end… which never came. I’ll probably be picking up Chapter 2 when it’s released.

Alex – Developer

On top of the standard AAA fair of games (Black Ops, Starcraft 2…still) I’ve been burning through quite a few iPhone games. Not sure how I feel about getting an iOS game and being done with it after one play session. Probably stems from my tendency to never finish single player console games either, just magnified. In either case, I do keep coming back to…

Linkoidz: Maybe I have yet to come to terms with liking match-3 games, which may be why I feel surprised to mention this game. Yet, I tend to get more fun out of this one than most as of late. What’s amusing is I tend to play it BETWEEN games of Starcraft 2 while waiting on buddies to return or queuing up. When I stare at my iPhone and know I only have a few minutes to “zone out” while waiting on something (car at the shop, commercials, etc), I just tend to gravitate back to this game. The interaction of swooping linkoidz up into your gun and then shooting them out feels very fluid and satisfying. Hats off to Retro Dreamer for making a very well designed mobile game!

Check back next week for the de-codenaming of “Project Codename”, Tilt to Live‘s December expansion.

Categories: News

Better 7 Months Late Than Never


Today, only 7 months after Tilt to Live‘s original release,  we present Tilt to Live Lite!  Also presenting Temporary TtL (iPhone) Price Drop to 99¢, whose title is admittedly not as catchy. Now you can try before you buy, AND get a discount. This great deal is in honor of Tilt to Live’s next big  expansion, coming in December, which we have codenamed “Project Codename”. More on that at the end of this month.

The lite version is basically TtL HD‘s free demo, but for the iPhone. Now everybody gets a demo. Isn’t that nice!

In other news:

Tilt to Live was recently inducted into the App Hall of Fame, alongside such heavyweights as Harbor Master, Pocket God, and some game called Fruit Ninja. We’re truly honored to be included, especially since we’re a few million downloads behind the other inductees.

Categories: News, Tilt to Live