Blast from the Past


We’ve just submitted an update for Tilt to Live HD adding 64-bit compatibility for the upcoming iOS 11 release. This should keep the game working a few more years, until iOS inevitably decides to support quantum-bits. Next up for the 64-bit treatment: Tilt to Live 2!

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Throw your weight around


Slowly getting back into the groove of content production and blog updates after our Kickstarter, I’m extremely close to finishing all of our Early Access character animations for Alex to implement. Here’s a peek at another nifty, non-offensive ability.

The brute doesn’t just pack a powerful melee, he also has a move called Toss that lets him rearrange the board a bit. His target can be flung over barriers, or even crowdsurf a line of other minions if you get a good angle. Use him as a blunt instrument on the front line, or as a springboard to feed reinforcements up the field! It’s also great for physically removing enemies that are standing right where you don’t want them.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.

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From the Trenches: Part 1


I’m in ‘networking land’ for the next several weeks/months for Hex Gambit as we try to start getting this game up and running for online multiplayer. While a lot of the ‘big features’ are now largely known, I wanted to share over the next few weeks a few of the tiny features  we’re implementing into Hex Gambit that I think some of our more dedicated fans might appreciate. But first, a quick history lesson:

Outwitters was our first major online game. Since then we’ve heavily updated it, launched Space Food Truck, and then over-hauled the online system for SFT as well.

Not every update networking-wise has been ideal, but with each subsequent release we’ve learned a ton and have been able to improve the fundamentals. Outwitters never really had truly ‘live play’ (or what some of our forum regulars call blitz play). We were able to update the notification system for faster response times, but limitations of the system kept it from really achieving that goal.

Space Food Truck finally was able to achieve seamless real-time play with asynchronous fall-back. A huge upgrade to how things use to work. But we weren’t satisfied 100% with the user-experience due to more technical limitations on getting the asynchronous play to ‘play nicely’ with real-time servers. Not to mention, stability was harder to achieve in this system than in Outwitters.

Now with that bit of background out of the way, what does that mean for Hex Gambit? With this being our 4th-ish iteration of online turn-based play we’re confident we can finally meld the two modes together in a way that feels good and looks good and is responsive.

So one of the tiny things Outwitters/SFT fans may pick up on when playing Hex Gambit for the first time is if you leave your game mid-turn, you won’t have to redo your turn from the beginning. Why? In Outwitters and Space Food Truck, entire turns were sent to the server. In Hex Gambit, each action a player takes will be sent instead. This does complicate a few implementation details, but this approach leads into another minor detail that Outwitters fans will appreciate that I’ll go into next time.

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That’s a Wrap!


Nailed It!

Thanks to everyone who showed up to pledge, and a huge shout out to our Outwitters OGs, our art print enthusiasts, and to all our god-like metal minions. We did it! Our first fully funded Kickstarter campaign feels pretty good, and this boost to our coffers (and self esteem) buys Alex and I some much needed breathing room to do our thing. $14.7k means more time to polish Hex Gambit’s look, feature set, and controls; plus a bit more budget for quality sound design. We really can’t thank you guys enough, and we’ll be working extra hard to make you proud!

Kickstarter surveys are coming soon to confirm everyone’s platform choices and reward preferences. Art prints will be signed and shipped out sporadically between now and November, and Early Access for our PC players is being assembled and tested as we speak!

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.

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2 Days Left!


Time is running out for the Hex Gambit Kickstarter! Huge thank you again to everyone that backed this project in any capacity, we’re extremely excited to have garnered so much support for our return to turn-based strategy. We’re SO close to unlocking that House Rules stretch goal; if you know of any holdouts or feel comfortable adding a few dollars to your pledge, every little bit can help push us over the top!

Spread the word in person, on social media, or on reddit: let everyone know that this is their ONLY chance to lock down free DLC for life, grab that cool legendary crystal pillar skin, and even become one of the few and proud chrome minion players on planet earth.

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Runner’s Dash Attack


Back from the land of sound design (for now), I’ve had some time to work on in-game stuff again. This new video shows off our runner’s powerful Dash move, which slides you infinitely along any straight path. It’s useful for adding extra mobility, and even deals light damage if you ram an enemy with it.

Six days left for the Hex Gambit Kickstarter! This is the only time the Deluxe Edition of Hex Gambit will ever be sold, so we recommend you act now and lock down free DLC for life! We’re also inching towards our House Rules stretch goal, so spread the word to unlock more match customization options!

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The Halfway Mark


15 days down, 15 to go! We’ve been blown away by your support for Hex Gambit. Fully funded in just 5 days, and now closing in on our House Rules stretch goal! If you have a friend that knows they’ll be picking the game up eventually, why not help us make it better by backing now?

Sorry for our lack of progress reports lately. It’s been nice to let the Kickstarter do its thing and focus on work for a while. We’re currently in the process of lining up our sound design schedule for Early Access. Specifically, we’re discussing voice actors and directions for our Captains. Bjorgolf as a big burly Russian, Lolli sounding like Cornholio. These are super fun meetings, and I’ve loved every minute spent writing this dialogue.

While we’re in the recording studio for our launch captains, we’ve actually got some flexibility with the actors to record a few extra characters, just in case we want to add some post-launch. Here’s my rough sketches for three “maybe one day” captains we’ll also be recording:

Click to enlarge.

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Hex Gambit’s Kickstarter is Live!


The Hex Gambit Kickstarter is finally here! We’re proud to showcase our work so far on the spiritual successor to Outwitters. Our campaign video features some exciting new gameplay footage, including details on a unique new movement mechanic called the crowdsurf!

There are plenty of great reasons to back Hex Gambit early. For starters, you can grab the game at 30% off the launch day price, and this is the ONLY time you’ll be able to buy a Deluxe Edition of the game with free DLC for life. If you’re really quick, you might be able to grab an Early Bird discount before those are all sold out.

We only have 30 days to reach our goal of $11,000, so spread the word! If we can get a big community behind this project, you’ll be seeing plenty of new turn-based strategy content coming from One Man Left.

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League Facelift


Pssst. I heard if you’re subscribed to our mailing list, you’ll get to see some new Hex Gambit footage tonight.

In preparation for Hex Gambit‘s Kickstarter debut next week (!), I managed to squeeze in a little polish pass for our league meta-map. And that sweet sound you hear? That would be a preview of some of the excellent work Mike Reagan’s just delivered for our Kickstarter video.

Hex Gambit is coming to Kickstarter July 25th! It’s a fantastic opportunity to save some money and improve the final game at the same time. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Kickstarter, Early Access/beta, and the official release.

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Meet the Pacifist


Our final minion to add during Early Access will be an alternative support character to the Motivator called the Pacifist. I guess “alternative” is the wrong word… you could put together a team with both! She’s a great addition for fans of Outwitters’ Adorables aesthetic, and for players that like “tricky” characters to catch their opponents off guard.

The premise of the Pacifist is to create a useful minion with no capacity to damage your enemies. Her main ability is Pacify, which completely disarms a target for one turn. No attacking, no tapping pillars. This is great for disrupting big plays; just strap a balloon to that Brute’s head and deal with him later. She also has a ton of HP, and the ability to donate that health to her allies with Hex Gambit’s only healing move! Her third ability is Resonance, which lets her tap crystal pillars for more than the usual 2 VP if you can set things up just right.

Hex Gambit is coming to Kickstarter July 25th! It’s a fantastic opportunity to save some money and improve the final game at the same time. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Kickstarter, Early Access/beta, and the official release.

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