Outwitters 1.7.1 Beta


Alex is BusyWant to try out bleeding edge (mostly working) software? The beta for the next Outwitters update that’ll eventually bring Outwitters to Android is now live for iOS. If you’re interested in helping out and taking it for a spin, head over and sign up.  Details on the beta requirements and what it means for your current Outwitters play can be found here.

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Outside of the Box


Outwitters Android IconWith Gauntlet’s Revenge, it was brought to our attention that we should try modifying our Android icons to look more “Androidical”. Rounded corners are an iOS thing, and Android lets you use all kinds of weird shapes. That suggestion led to this modification of the Outwitters icon for our upcoming Android port.

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2014: Year of the Gauntlet


Happy New Year!It’s been a pretty productive year for One Man Left. The early months saw the Brimstone Pinball DLC come together for Tilt to Live 2, followed shortly by the evolution of Gauntlet’s Revenge from DLC to full game. We almost even squeezed in an Android port of Outwitters before New Years caught up with us. We’ve typically only managed about one game a year, so that’s not a bad collection of completed projects.

We really cannot thank you guys enough for supporting us year to year, if you managed a purchase. We’ve been chugging along full time at this for almost 5 years now, and that is 100% thanks to you.

Looking forward to 2015, I’m really itching to dive into some fresh material. While Alex has been putting together our Android ports, I’ve been brainstorming and sketching game ideas for about 2 months now. Alex will join me in January for what we have dubbed “prototype month”. I don’t think we’ve ever had this many different game ideas to choose from. Come February 1st, we will be ready to make the living crap out of something.

So what can you expect out of One Man Left next year? We’re leaning toward smaller projects, which means a faster turn-around for you guys. With any luck, we’ll have Game 5 ready around summer time. It’d be great to have two games done in 2015, but that’s just a flimsy New Year’s resolution at this point. A lot can happen between now and next December 31st. Naturally, we’ll be blogging it all right here as it develops.

And holy crap I’m getting married next year.

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Happy Christmahanukwanzaakkah!


One Man Left Holiday Sale!

It’s getting late in December, so happy everything, everyone! I had too much fun making this ad. EVERY One Man Left game is now on sale for the holidays. We hope you’ll consider taking one of these for a spin while you celebrate whichever celebration is yours. Thanks to everyone who’s supported us over the years, and happy holidays!

On the App Store:

On Google Play:

Categories: News

Gauntlet’s Revenge Update for Android


Gauntlet's Revenge AndroidWe’ve released an update recently giving our latest game, Gauntlet’s Revenge, a little extra Android love. Thanks to those who have supported us this year!

New Features:

  • Snazzy new icon.
  • Native resolution support and custom UI for 4:3 Android tablets
  • Added sharing option for scores with G+, Hangouts, Twitter, etc. on game over screen.
  • Fixed graphics display to reduce banding (crisper graphics)
  • Android back button now works as expected and consistently throughout the game.
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Boom Boom Bargain


Happy HolidaysWe’ve squeezed in an iOS price drop before the App Store’s annual holiday lockdown. The Tilt to Live Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom Bundle will be available throughout the holiday season for just $3.99 USD (normally $5.99). So for a buck more than it costs for one Tilt to Live, you can grab all three! Would make a handsome gift for anyone unwrapping a new iDevice in the near future. Wink.

Alex is still locked away in his laboratory working on the Outwitters Android port (which is being discussed in more detail over here). That project doesn’t require any new artwork, so I’m left to my own devices for a while longer. To date, I have 7 different turn-based multiplayer games working as paper prototypes in Adobe Illustrator. Alex shifts his focus to prototyping in January, so we’re on track to have a good, large pool of projects to choose from.

I just realized that by the time we shift into production for Game 5, I’ll have been paper prototyping and marketing for more than 3 months. I have not opened Unity since early October. Hopefully I’ll remember how to do my job…

Categories: News, Outwitters, Tilt to Live

Outwitters Comes to Android Next Year


Outwitters Comes to Android in January
And before we start prototyping full time for our fifth game, this is what Alex has been busy working on. More details on the Android version are being shared in our forum thread. Come join the discussion!

Categories: News, Outwitters

The Blank Canvas


5Alex is working on this thing that I’m not allowed to talk about yet, so what am I doing while he’s busy? The same thing I’ve been doing since Gauntlet’s Revenge was released: brainstorming like mad for Game 5.

Amid the porting and the bundling, we’ve been quietly tinkering away on paper prototypes. It’s really early in the process, but so far we’ve been leaning towards turn-based multiplayer concepts. We’ve given ourselves until the end of January to explore, then we’ll go over the lineup and pick a project. The little guy to the side is just some placeholder art from one of my prototypes who happened to have a 5 on him.

Categories: News

We’re Thankful for Our Fans


Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom Bundle
Happy Thanksgiving, Americans! May your turkeys be moist, and your stuffings be seasoned correctly. As we mentioned last week, today is release day for the Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom Bundle on the App Store. Remember, you have to buy before the end of November to get the full 44% off Tilt to Live, Tilt to Live 2:Redonkulous, and Tilt to Live: Gauntlet’s Revenge! Next month the savings will be reduced to 33% off (still not half bad). And if you already own one of those games, the bundle will actually discount itself by the price you’ve already paid so you can complete the collection.

Tilting your mobile device is the perfect exercise to burn off some of those extra calories you’re consuming today. That’s just science.

Categories: News, Tilt to Live

Save a Bundle


Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom BundleWith Tilt to Live: Gauntlet’s Revenge released, we now have 3 games in the series. A nice round number. It just feels right to put those three Tilt to Live games together in a bundle, and it feels even more right to call that bundle the Tilt to Live Tilty-Tilt Boom Boom Bundle, coming Thanksgiving Day to the App Store.

November 27th, you can be thankful for accelerometer-powered weaponry, the retry button, and 33% off when you buy Tilt to Live, Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous, and Tilt to Live: Gauntlet’s Revenge in an App Store bundle! If you already own one of those games, the price you paid will automatically be discounted from the bundle price so you can complete your collection. As an added bonus, because the pilgrims told us to, we’re dropping the price even further to 44% off if you buy before the end of November.

Unfortunately, the whole bundling thing doesn’t provide a way for us to include our DLC gametypes or Tilt to Live HD’s Full Version IAP. But you will still get a heck of a lot of savings compared to buying the games individually!

Categories: News, Tilt to Live