We’re in Production



Very early in production, but still excited to announce our next project: Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous. Be sure to sign up for our mailing list for an email reminder when the game’s released, and stick with this blog to follow our journey back into the realm of arrow-on-dot violence.

Outwitters 1.6.2: The Better Bramble Initiative


Outwitters 1.6.2 is on the way! Hearing all of your feedback, we prioritized getting this patch out ASAP. It’s working its way through Apple’s approval process to WEED out some Bramble-related issues. That pun was intentional and I don’t have to apologize to anybody if I don’t want to.

Back by popular demand: Bramble thorns will return to 2hp, but still have the ability to attack and retreat. The nasty Bramble replay bug that’s been ending your replays prematurely is also fixed. We really appreciate your patience with this, and apologize for the issues with 1.6.1. I can assure you this update will be 0.0.1 better.

Categories: Outwitters

Outwitters 1.6.1 Update and Bramble


Outwitters 1.6.1 is out! Players are loving the new maps with the release of the 2nd gen maps in our previous update. Then they realized the new maps weren’t coming up in league play. Oops! This update fixes that. The new map pack should now start appearing in league matches.

On the topic of the recent Bramble buff, we’ve been listening to feedback and watching match outcomes in aggregate. With most drastic changes to unit abilities or gameplay rules,  we see a slight upswing in favor of the new ability as players are typically faster at learning how to use the ability offensively than they are at defending against it. Defensive strategies tend to lag behind any metagame changes as players slowly adapt new tactics and let go of old ones that no longer work. While we do think the new Bramble is strong, we aren’t 100% sure if it is broken or a matter of the metagame lagging behind. We would like for the Bramble change to run it’s course through this weekend, and come next week we’ll look at the data and feedback and adjust from there. We do appreciate our player’s patience and support as we work towards a more balanced game!

Categories: News, Outwitters

Outwitters 1.6: 2nd Gen Maps!


Outwitters 1.6 is approved and on its way to your device! Be sure to grab the 2nd Gen Maps IAP to practice dominating on three fresh 1v1 maps and two new 2v2s.

Bramble fans will be happy to hear that you can now remove less-than-ideally-placed barriers (though you’ll also lose that patch’s children in the process). As if that weren’t enough, thorns can now attack your enemies for 1 damage as their action for the turn. Snipers, medics, and runners beware!

Another change coming exclusively to our free users is the addition of interstitial ads! Every third turn you take, you’ll be dazzled by images and copy from some of the brightest minds in modern marketing. All at absolutely no cost to you! You can disable them by buying anything from our store. We fought hard to find other adequate revenue sources, but now we’re trying this.


2nd Gen Map: Skullduggery

Categories: News, Outwitters

Most Honorable App Ever!


The results are in, and if you keep reloading this page there’s a 1 in 7 chance that Outwitters will be at the top of the Honorable Mentions for the coveted Best App Ever Award! We’re truly grateful to join such excellent company as Punchquest, The Room, and for some reason Google Maps. We even took home 2nd Place for Best Multiplayer Game of 2012, beat by a super-slick word game called Letterpress, which is totally fine by us.

Thanks a butt-ton to everyone that went out of their way to nominate and vote us!

Categories: News, Outwitters

Wrapping Up 1.6


2ndGenMapsOf the map pool we’ve been testing, we’re narrowing things down to three new single player maps and two 2v2s to include in our 2nd Gen Maps. If the poll we set up stays true, it looks like we won’t be retiring any of the first gen maps. At least the chances of you landing on your least favorite map will be watered down with the new additions.

We’ve been looking at analytics data since the last update’s Bramble buff, and it looks like he still needs a little help. So in 1.6, expect to see thorn patches with FOUR health. And we’ll keep cranking that number up until the damn thing works.

I’m kidding. We changed something else about Bramble, which you’ll see when the update hits. We plan to submit next week.

Categories: Outwitters



The new Outwitters maps are still being explored by testers, but you common folk should see some submission movement in the next week or two. I like testing against Alex, because I can beat Alex. I don’t enjoy testing against certain Super-Titans, because I believe they can read my thoughts.

Concurrently, Alex and I are fiddling with some new game design tools and something called a “Git”, which (as I understand it) allows you to push tortoises across the internet. I dream of a day when we learn the ultimate development tool, which we never replace with a different tool, so that our brains can finally be at peace. And then atrophy into a delightful pudding.

Categories: Outwitters

Maps are Oscar Mike


The new maps are on their way to our beta testers for the weekend. Names like Sweetie Plains II have been replaced by names like “Chocwit Chip”.

Categories: Outwitters

Out with the Old?


New maps are in the works for our next update, and we’re conducting a poll for which old maps should be retired from league rotation. You can also vote to keep all the old maps in play, so there’s no reason not to go vote right this second!

Categories: Outwitters

Idea-rrhea Subsides


Today marks the last day of January Idea Diarrhea (TM). Wait. I can do that better. January Idea-rrhea.

We’re wrapping up our game design experiments today, so early next week we can resume making things to sell, to make a living or whatever. First up on the agenda: Outwitters remix maps! We’ve got some new designs like Foundry II and Thorn Gulley II that we’re eager to balance for a release. Should have those ready sometime in February.

Categories: Outwitters