Bomb Squad


iphone_screenshot03The dot bombs from my sketches made it into the game, after all! When you see a circular warning, clear out fast. Flying through their target-shaped weakpoints will dismantle these guys into a friendly, dot-dispatching nuke explosion.

When a regular mace won’t do…


Tilt to Live 2 Screenshot You probably saw this weapon featured in our games section, or in our first icon pass. It actually follows along with your arrow’s momentum, so a few good flicks starts it spinning around you, wiping whole crowds of dots off the map.

Re-donk-u-lous (verb): to donkulous again


Tilt to Live 2 ScreenshotIt’s our first official screenshot! Note the fancy new dot renderer, which makes them blend and squish together like liquid. Up top, you’ll also notice a new dot value display. Each dot you eliminate ticks this up, growing your score exponentially over time. There’s a new combo system that helps grow your dot value even faster, which we’ll show off later on.

Our goal is to have Tilt to Live 2 submitted to Apple by the end of the month. Stay tuned to see if we succeed!

Kind of a Screenshot


Tilt to Live 2 ScreenshotYou may recall this older post, where I was sketching ideas for a shield weapon for Tilt to Live 2. I mentioned we were taking it in another direction, which wound up being the “cheap dot costume that makes everyone ignore you, even though you are still killing them” direction. We call it the Brilliant Disguise.

Things are really starting to come together.

We Heart We Heart Games


Big thanks to our web helper Mike Berg (of for working with us on a new, prettier Games section. You may find our newest page worth checking out.

Talking Smack



We needed some random, automatic taunts for when you guys send Game Center challenges to each other. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. “I got this really high score and thought of you, and how you can’t beat it.”
  2. “You tilt like a well hung picture frame. They don’t even tilt.”
  3. “Kneel, you ham-handed peasant!”
  4. “If this highscore lasts longer than four hours, consult a physician.” (I don’t think this one will make it into the game)

Tiny Thief


Just recently finished a playthrough of Tiny Thief, a point and click adventure game with really, really pretty explosions. If you were looking for something that’s nothing like Tilt to Live to play while you wait for Tilt to Live to come out, boy is this your game! There’s a lot of imaginative set pieces here, and a great sense of style and humor. I spent more time than I’d like waiting for people to walk across the room, but ultimately I had fun sneaking and tapping around for secrets.

Categories: News

Box Art Revisited



Still searching for a worthy Tilt to Live 2 icon. Do we want it to match the first Tilt to Live? Do we showcase the bosses to catch people’s attention? Or should we just go iconic, like Outwitters? Here’s the latest round of sketches we’re debating.

Outwitters’ Lost Special Unit: Retch


I was playing around with a prototype idea, looking for a placeholder graphic, when I remembered this ugly little guy. Back when the Veggienauts were still being balanced, we explored a few other plant-themed special powers outside of Bramble’s thorn patch. One concept was so inspiring I had to mock up the character behind it. His name was Retch, and he spewed a cloud of spores that was toxic to your enemies.

Categories: Bonus Features, Outwitters

What Were We Thinking?


Mid-September turned out to be a good estimate for when we’d be finished working on Tilt to Live 2… but you can’t actually release a game as soon as you finish working on it. It looks like we’ll be pushing back about a month to beta test before we go charging people money for this thing. October/November feels like a very likely release window. It’s longer than we intended to spend on this game, given that Tilt to Live 1 was done part-time in about six months (with much simpler graphics and one game mode). We’re still doing much better than the year and a half we put into Outwitters. The longer we spend making a game, the more we have to sell to break even.

As we get closer to a solid release date, you can expect to start seeing some actual screenshots and video of the game in action.