Today in the Hex Gambit alpha, a tiny tweak with big implications! Pillar tap Victory Points have been reduced from 2 to 1. Here’s a few goals we’re hoping to accomplish with this change:
- Give P2 more time to come back from a big early rush.
- Increase the minion combat focus.
- Make move unlocks feel more meaningful.
- Eliminate the “one mistake on turn 3, game over on turn 4” experiences.
Try a few games out, and let us know what you think of this approach!
Ever since our long-time composer Mike Reagan delivered the music for Hex Gambit‘s Kickstarter campaign, Alex and I have been dying to hear what he would do with the main theme. The result did not disappoint! Here’s your first taste of Mike’s work for Hex Gambit: our pro sports-inspired main theme.
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
Click here for the Hex Gambit Pre-Early Access instruction manual.
The Pre-Early Access PC alpha of Hex Gambit is nearly upon us! This early peek at the game is exclusively for our Kickstarter PC backers, with download codes going out later today.
While the game is fully playable in Exhibition mode, some features like sound and our tutorial are conspicuously missing. As a workaround for the latter, we’ve prepared the instruction manual above to get you acquainted with the game’s rules and character abilities. Be sure to keep it handy in these early days, as our current interface is a work-in-progress and may not do a fantastic job of explaining things. Expect the game to get better every week on the road to Early Access!
We should also mention that a Pre-Early Access tournament is already being organized, which you can read all about right here.
All of my early Outwitters UI designs allowed room for player avatars, but ultimately they never made it into the game. Not so for Hex Gambit! Your collection of avatar options will grow as you level up your player profile. Here’s our first batch of designs for Early Access (including some icons and characters you might recognize). If you have any requests, leave them in the comments. Maybe you’ll see them in the game some day!
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
Yesterday was our first online playtesting session using real world copies of Hex Gambit! Adam versus Alex, and it’s not important who won every game (Adam). There’s still a lot to polish up, but the core game is working wonderfully. We could watch all of each other’s turns in progress, just like a local match.
Once we get the game into presentable shape (around the end of this month), we’ll be giving our PC Kickstarter backers pre-Early Access to the alpha build. It’s rough around the edges, but we’ll be squashing bugs and adding features all the way up to our Early Access launch (pushed back to November). Here’s our current plan:
Pre-Early Access Features:
- 5 standard minions
- 1v1 Exhibition mode: play online with skill-based matchmaking
- One random captain is unlocked for your player profile. Level up to unlock the rest!
- Get a head start earning EXP for your profile. Earnable items will be retroactively unlocked for you as they’re added.
- Metal Minions and Legendary Pillar skins will be immediately accessible for our top tier backers.
Added before Nov. Early Access:
- 2v2 Exhibition matches
- Interactive tutorial
- 1v1 and 2v2 League Play in the Apex Cup: choose a faction and battle for territory in monthly seasons!
- Unlockable captains and avatars
Added during Early Access:
- Pacifist and Sniper minions: customize your loadout!
- Local 1v1 and 2v2 support
- Single player vs. the AI
- General tweaks to the rules, moves, and metagame based on your feedback.
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
Among the last particle effects I needed to complete for Hex Gambit‘s Early Access release, Abbacus‘s captain’s power lets you return any enemy unit you don’t like back to their spawn pool. It’ll cost a few precious turns to respawn and reposition them, and they’ll return to the board in the same condition as they left.
Yesterday was day one of our captains’ voiceover sessions! We’re recording the six Early Access captains we showed off during Kickstarter, plus some extra voices for future captains we may add after launch next year. We had a lot of great auditions and too many talented people to choose from. We can’t wait to show off the results!
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
Things are getting prettier as we approach Hex Gambit‘s Early Access release. Here’s a mockup of our new captain tile in action, plus a little ice icon for Bjorgolf’s Cold Feet ability. The turn after it’s triggered, a blizzard reduces your opponent’s mobility and removes their ability to crowdsurf.
Alex is getting all the shiny new UI in place, and our sound guy Mike is casting for our captain’s voices. We’re all working our butts off right up to the deadline!
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
In addition to completely overhauling the UI for Hex Gambit, we’re also finishing up all of our character and special move FX so our sound guy can tackle all that in time for Early Access next month. I have been a very bad blogsman in the midst of all of this, and I beg your forgiveness.
So here’s some quick screenshots of what we’re working on!
This new “captain’s hamburger” sits on your side of the map. When your bonus power is ready, it transforms into a flashier state to let you know the time has come to rain sweet vengeance on your enemy. This one has pixelated placeholder art and is half-finished; the final product will look even cooler!
Here’s the new matchmaking screen, just before you jump into the arena. A cool feature we’re hoping to get implemented is the “Random” minion slot. Any slots you don’t fill with a specific minion class could be set to randomize every match, so you can have a few wildcards on your team. We’re also wanting a convenient “Randomize All” button, so you can easily mix things up and challenge yourself. These features won’t be that interesting until more of our minions are in (Early Access only has 5 minions on release), but they’d work for captains too.
The in-game UI has also been rearranged to help you find important information easier. Most of this stuff won’t be on the screen all at once like this, and the console version won’t have chat at all. Maybe we’ll work in some kind of emote system to get basic information across in 2v2? We’ll see what we can do.
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.
Phew! Took quite a bit of effort to get Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous up to snuff, but it’s done! It’s an oldie but a goodie. A nice side effect of having to update the underlying Unity engine was some decent performance gains during gameplay.
Sort of left you hanging on Hex Gambit details this week, but for good reason! We’ve decided to totally overhaul the UI I spent months designing to better accommodate our console version. That means we’ll have big, beautiful, readable text with less screen clutter, but it also means I’m reeling to get these improvements done fast in time for Early Access next month. Didn’t have a chance to capture new video this week, sorry guys!
All of our character animation and move effects are finally ready for Alex to hook up. All I had for the Brute and Motivator in time for Kickstarter was that epic shout and some heavy breathing. I can’t wait to finally see everybody bouncing around the map and blowing each other up!
Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our beta this year and the official release in 2018.