Do the Robot


With last week’s tournament out of the way, all of One Man Left Studios (both of us) are shifting focus back to Outwitters. Alex is making steady progress on the asynchronous stuff, so now throughout the work day we’ll get little push notifications that it’s time to take our turn. Still having some weird bugs now and then, like spawn points mysteriously disappearing or, my personal favorite: “Bombshell is overpowered, because the game crashes if I kill it”. Right now these buggy alpha games are only working on iPad, rotating between Alex, myself, and a local friend. Release date is still the annoyingly-vague “2011”, until we get past all the hard stuff.

In the sound department, Whitacker Blackall (our Tilt to Live composer) has been chipping away at some of Outwitters’ music and sound effects. Check out this take on the Feedback‘s anthem:

Whitaker Blackall - Feedback Theme
Categories: Outwitters

The Almost Not Quite the Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*


“The top 5 got their choice of prizes. I came 6th. Fml.”
– Jo5hman, the Almost Not Quite the Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*

Ladies & gentlemen, it has just come to our attention that we’ve left one of our winners unrecognized! We awarded prizes to the Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth* and Not Quite the Best Tilt to Live Players on Earth*, but in some wild lapse of judgment we failed to recognize the Almost Not Quite the Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*. Congratulations, Jo5hman, for this impressive feat! You win a blog post in our Hall of Champions, commemorating your impressive title. You were mighty close to almost the top, and we salute you. Prize over.

In other news, I’m pleased to report that Becca’s faith in humanity remains intact! Jo5hman, you owe her a thank you for this post. In fact, if you don’t thank her WE’LL LOSE OUR FAITH IN HUMANITY. How do you like them apples?

Categories: Fan Stuff, Tilt to Live

The Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*


And on this, the 27th day of August in the year of our Lord, 2011, a champion arose from the rabble of common men*. A hero forged from concentrated greatness*, his perfect* tilting wrists chiseled of some unbreakable mineral not heretofore cataloged by science. Wielding the maddest skills on the face of planet Earth*, he accepted our Game Center friend request and rode into iOS history. Let us never forget his name:

with 212,875,900
The Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*

But what is a winner without 86 losers (68 of whom actually tried today)? Let’s not forget our runners up!

Not Quite the Best Tilt to Live Players on Earth*:
2nd: xBoReDoM
3rd: Fleshman92
4th: PresidentPistachio
5th: 2bol
Click here to see how you ranked among the 69.

We’ll be emailing the winners next week to collect shipping addresses and whatnot for your prizes. HUGE thanks to everyone who entered and competed, we had a lot of fun putting this together, and we hope you had fun playing.

*According to a small, but totally official sampling taken by One Man Left Studios on August 27th, 2011.

Categories: Fan Stuff, News, Tilt to Live

Tournament Progress Report


Here’s our current top 15 scores (includes some from yesterday that may be dropping off). As a side note: it seems to us that these scores take a while to propagate to other devices. So just because your new highscore shows up instantly on yours, doesn’t mean it has made it to mine. Try not to cut it too close to 10PM Eastern, or your score might not make it in!

Categories: Tilt to Live

Training Update


Here’s a screenie of the best Code Red scores so far this week from our Tournament contestants. Wait, did I say the best scores? I meant the best scores BELOW our mysterious top ten.

Categories: Tilt to Live

You Shall Not Pass!


As of the time I started writing this sentence, the First Official Tilt to Live Tournament is full. Beyond full, actually, but I threw as many of you as I had in our inbox into the mix. All friend requests have been sent out through Game Center, so just accept yours and get practicing (your free soundtracks are on the way). On Saturday, August 27th, unleash hell!

When this clock says it’s 10PM on Tournament Day, I’m taking a screenshot of the best scores THAT DAY (not this week) and someone will officially be crowned the “Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth*”. You’ll have your work cut out for you against fierce competitors like “Toilet-Paper”. It won’t be the floor he’ll be wiping with you.


Categories: Tilt to Live

Test Your Might


The Tournament Roster is officially full! Better luck next time.

Dust off your iPhones/Pads, boys & girls, because we’ll be holding our first-ever Tilt to Live Tournament on Saturday, August 27th! Entrants will compete in Code Red on the iPhone version of TtL (you could also play on an iPad if you dare), racking up the highest score possible by 10PM, Eastern Time in the US.

All entrants will receive a free digital copy of the TtL soundtrack, the best 5 players get the item of their choice from the TtL Store, & whoever comes out on top will receive this handsome, one of a kind “Best Player on Earth*” t-shirt (you can opt for a coffee mug or poster if you want). We’ll also officially declare the winner Best Tilt to Live Player on Earth* on this blog, permanently etching his/her accomplishment into the bowels of history. If you think you’ve got what it takes, just read the official rules below!

Official Contest Rules

How to Enter Sorry, we’re at capacity!

  1. You must be 13 years old or older to enter (It’s a legal thing).
  2. Registration is limited to the first 50 entrants (We have to do a lot by hand, so we’re keeping it small). This is subject to increase.
  3. To register: send an email with the subject “TtL Tournament” & your correctly spelled Game Center nickname (required!) to contests[at] (using the @ symbol).
  4. You’ll receive a Game Center friend request from ‘onemanleftstudios’. Accept that and you’re ready to compete.

Mark Your Calendar!

  1. On August 27th, 2011 give Code Red mode on Tilt to Live’s iPhone version everything you’ve got. NOT Tilt to Live HD, just regular Tilt to Live; NOT Classic Mode, Code Red!
  2. At 10PM (Eastern, US time) on August 27th, we’ll be screenshotting onemanleftstudios’ Game Center leaderboard for the day’s Code Red scores. Our top five Game Center friends for that day will be declared tournament champions! No exceptions for time difference/location oopsies; our Game Center screenshot is the final say.


  1. 1st Place on the Leaderboard will receive a one-of-a-kind “Best Player on Earth*” t-shirt (available in a variety of colors), which may be substituted for a coffee mug or poster if desired. They will also receive the item of their choice from the Tilt to Live Store.
  2. 2nd – 5th Place winners will receive the item of their choice from the Tilt to Live Store.
  3. All competitors will receive a free digital copy of the Tilt to Live Soundtrack.
  4. To claim your 1st-5th place prizes, we’ll be requesting your shipping address after the tournament (make sure contests[at] is in your email client’s safe senders list). If you do not provide a shipping address within 7 days, your prize will be forfeit, and we’ll offer it to the next eligible player.
Categories: News, Tilt to Live

Oh, THAT Scoring Bug


We’ve been seeing some blog comments and emails lately describing a scoring bug in Tilt to Live. The story went that when you beat your highscore, it wouldn’t overwrite the old one on the Gametype Select screen. It’d show up correctly on Game Center, but not in-game. That’s odd, we thought, but Alex wasn’t able to duplicate the event on any of his devices… so we just went back to work on Outwitters.

One day last week, Alex and I had the idea of running a small Tilt to Live Tournament using Game Center. As we were experimenting with different ways to manage it, TA-DA, we encountered the mythical scoring bug! So now available on Tilt to Live Lite & coming very soon to the other versions is a patch for that scoring problem.

Coming soon to this blog (once those updates are live), will be details on our first ever Tilt to Live Tournament. So brush up on iPhone’s Code Red if you got something to prove.


What We’re Playing – August ’11


Adam the Artist

Ms. Splosion Man is pretty tough. It’s a hardcore platformer for X-Box Live Arcade, but I’ll admit it doesn’t have to be as painful as I’m making it. You see, they have optional levels on the world map that glow red, indicating heightened levels of danger & difficulty. Against my better judgment, I play those levels. They also have a pair of shoes hidden in each level, usually taunting me from some hard to reach death trap off the beaten path. Against my better judgment, I go for those too. The result: loud and constant profanity. Still, it scratches my Donkey Kong Country itch. Probably because they added mine cart and barrel sections.

On iOS I’m playing Highborn‘s Chapter 3 expansion. A two hour marathon of it last night, in fact. For whatever reason, I just find the game charming… Even when its sense of humor gets downright stupid.

Alex the Codesmith

Given my current gaming habits it would seem at a glance I don’t intend on playing anything else for the foreseeable future other than Starcraft 2. You’d be right, except that 2 new games are scheduled to be released this year that I’m sure I’ll be playing the crap out of. Those games would be Tribes: Ascend and Battlefield 3. But until then, every other game can wait patiently. Every now and then I explore other games (usually of the co-op variety) almost as  ‘snacks’ between SC2 sessions. One that stands out recently was Realm of the Mad God. A Co-op MMO RPG Shmup with perma-death as a central feature. Played in a browser.  And is fun. Win.

On the iOS front, the stand out game for me recently was one Matt Rix, of Trainyard fame, suggested over twitter a while ago. It’s called Async Corp. A puzzle/match-em game that I found hard to put down. Something about that genre scratches an itch for me. You’re presented with 2 ‘areas’:

You tap on a square in one area and tap on another square in the opposite area to ‘swap’ them. Make a group of 4 or more of the same color and they combine into larger squares. Tap the large squares to ‘ship’ them out (remove them). There’s a few game modes in there, but they generally revolve around “getting as many packets shipped out as possible’. Also the whole vibe of the game was charming. It had a very ‘happy but sinister’ feel to it I couldn’t help but notice. Maybe I’m looking for something that isn’t there. But it’s great a game like that can make you think about it in that way. Reminded me vaguely of Portal because of that.

Categories: News

Storm the Beach


Click to enlarge.

Ever wonder where pirate fish come from? Well, it’s obvious really. A network of reef-filled fish tanks dotting the coastline, interconnected by a highway of pipes. Do they breathe air or water? I don’t pretend to know. Pirates breathe air, fish breathe water… I’m inclined to say they got the best of both worlds.

With the Scallywags’ look nailed down, we’re turning our attention to bringing things to life and tying them all together. Did I mention we’re hard at work on menus? So. Many. Menus.

Categories: Outwitters