Outwitters Update 2


This is probably more than our second update, but I only just started numbering them… so here’s 2!

Adam hurt his wittle index finger working too much, then double & triple hurt it when he tried to treat the problem himself. The moral of that story is: go to a freaking doctor. Luckily, I made enough headway for Alex to not even notice I’m down. This week he’s been working on implementing the game’s very short interactive tutorial, so hopefully next week he can start adapting it to work on an iPhone.

In playtesting land, we’re very close to the point where everything feels properly balanced. The Adorables vs. the Scallywags seems to play out pretty fair, but the Feedback‘s special character still feels kinda useless by comparison. We’ve seen the regular units used in roughly equal measure, though, so I’m pretty confident we can call them ready. Hard to believe I’ve been playing Outwitters since last November (when the game only ran in Adobe Illustrator). I guess that’s one good thing about a long development cycle: by the time it reaches you guys, we’ve had a year to figure out what doesn’t work.

Categories: Outwitters

12 responses to “Outwitters Update 2”

  1. iAmSadNCrazeh! says:

    So it would come out about late November? Cant wait!!!

  2. Adam says:

    Whoa. Did not mean to imply that. No hard release date’s been set, but it’ll probably be the end of this year or early next.

  3. Loons says:

    I’m really looking forward this game and hope it will be a great success 🙂

  4. Texas holden says:

    So, in one of the most recent posts, you said Mobi sucked. Did you mean for the opponent, or for the user. I’m confused.

  5. Solan says:

    Great to know that you guys are making headway! Keep up the good work.

  6. izakthegoomba (the guy who's using a different browser and can't remember his previous title) says:

    @Texas it’s because he caused massive amounts of snipers to swarm out of him.

  7. brayton says:

    check out a free game called strategy lite, and also will there be any positions where there are troop bonuses(or like in strategy how theres a twist with groups) like in risk(a map of the earth(tap to zoom) and fight with the units in out witters and each faction has a small advantage in certain places.

    are the maps randomly generated…

  8. Adam says:

    @Texas: Mobi was overpowered, so he definitely sucked for the opponent. He doesn’t actually work as he was described in our previous post anymore.

    @brayton: All maps are baked with love and care, right here at One Man Left Studios. No generators. As for the gameplay… I’m not sure if I have a good direct comparison. It’s kind of like a less complicated Advance Wars.

  9. izakthegoomba (the guy who has now got back to his main browser, and still fully advocates an Android port of TtL and Outwitters) says:


    How does Mobi work?

  10. Adam says:

    He’s a man-apult. He gets next to a teammate, sucks him in, and spits him forward a few spaces. Before, he carried up to six teammates in his mouth, jumped halfway across the board, and dumped them all on your doorstep. He was usually full of snipers.

  11. izakthegoomba (the guy who fully advocates an Android port of TtL and Outwitters) says:

    Oh, I thought you meant a glitch was causing Mobi to randomly spit out loads of Snipers.

    The new version seems a bit underpowered, though.

  12. Temp22 says:

    Super excited for this game, I hope some red dots make a guest appearance.