Sketching Single Player


Hex Gambit will finally be open for anyone to play next Tuesday, April 17th! You can get ready by wishlisting us on Steam right now. We’ll also be streaming the game on launch day on our Twitch channel at 1pm Central time.

Both the Sniper and Pacifist are animated with their special effects ready, so they’ll just need some sound and code once we’re ready for them. With all the launch minion art settled (we’ll be showing them off as they get implemented a little later on), my next big ticket item is a modified arena for Blitz Royale, our single player mode.

The main reason we didn’t include an artbook as a Kickstarter reward is that my preproduction work is SUPER utilitarian. Half of it doesn’t even get saved. Some of the concept makes it onto the paper, a lot of it stays in my brain or gets labelled “figure it out later”, and then I start making stuff. So here’s my scribbles below to give you a sense of it, and I’ll post my progress as things get prettier.

Scribbles that only really make sense to me.

Blocking in placeholder models.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release later this year.

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Hex Gambit – Coming Soon


The official Hex Gambit Steam page is up, so be sure to add us to your wishlist!

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I know the blog hasn’t been updated in a while, but we’re still hard at work! More Hex Gambit news soon.

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OML Twitches: Episode 18


Adam and Alex recap recent developments in Hex Gambit and go head-to-head in a tie-breaking rematch.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release later this year.

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Hex Gambit Early Access Trailer


You’ve waited long enough! Hex Gambit hits Steam Early Access April 17th, and launches on Steam and the Nintendo Switch console™ this Summer. Sign up for an email reminder right here.

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OML Twitches: Episode 17


Our next stream will be Friday, March 16 at 1pm Central.

On this week’s Hex Gambit stream, Matt Rix of Milkbag Games and Josh Macias, regular human, join us for a 2v2 rematch from Episode 15.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release later this year.

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OML Twitches: Episode 16


Tune in to our Twitch channel this Saturday at 1pm Central to watch live and ask us anything!

It’s another 2v2 showdown this week, but Adam is indisposed! So his brother Craig of Tap ‘X’ Rapidly stands in. Close enough!  Special guest star Matt Rix of Milkbag Games and Marion Owen, who joined in for some of our Space Food Truck episodes, are both back by popular demand. New features this week include replays and a free roaming camera system.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release later this year.

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OML Twitches: Episode 15


Sorry I’m so late getting this one posted! For episode 15 of our ongoing streaming adventures, Alex and I face off in a 2v2 match alongside special guest stars Matt Rix of Milkbag Games and Josh Macias, regular human.

Tune in to our Twitch channel this Saturday for another rematch. The start time will be announced here soon, and on Twitter and facebook.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release later this year.

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OML Twitches: Episode 14


Update: Our next stream will be live Saturday at 12:30pm Central

Our issues from the previous episode have been ironed out, and we show off some of Hex Gambit’s new Apex Cup features.

Tune in to our Twitch channel this Saturday for another rematch. The start time will be announced here soon, and on Twitter and facebook.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release this year.

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OML Twitches: Episode 13


Update: Our next stream will be live Saturday at 12pm Central

In our triumphant return to streaming, Adam’s microphone is a little jank and we discover a bug that creeped in between builds. But the show goes on, and we play our first public match of Hex Gambit!

Tune in to our Twitch channel this Saturday for a rematch. The start time will be announced here soon, and on Twitter and facebook.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get email reminders when we hit big milestones, like the launch of our Early Access beta and the official release this year.

Categories: Hex Gambit, OML Twitches
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