Blitz Royale Arena Progress 05


With a new rim and a nifty floating gear stage, things are coming along for Hex Gambit’s single player environment.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on our $14.99 launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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OML Twitches: Episode 20


Alex loads out with the new Sniper class, and Adam has the Pacifist in our first asymmetrical Hex Gambit stream.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on our $14.99 launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Blitz Royale Arena Progress 04


Slowly developing this Blitz Royale Arena into something neat. The latest additions even provide a hint to our plans for Hex Gambit’s single player mode. When we shift our focus to single player full time, we’ll tell you all about it!

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on our $14.99 launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Blitz Royale Arena Progress 03


Our attention is sort of whizzing around in all directions at the moment, but I found some more time to dig into the arena for Hex Gambit’s single player mode, the Blitz Royale. Here’s where it stands right now.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on our $14.99 launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Sniper Update


Hex Gambit Early Access gets a new minion today, so let the team customization begin! There are now six different combinations to choose from, or you can let yourself be surprised by setting as many minion slots to Random as you like.

The new Sniper class doesn’t have any sound effects just yet, but we thought, why wait to try him out? Add him to your roster to deal some damage at a distance. What he lacks in speed, he makes up for with insane reach. Here’s a breakdown of his specials:

  1. Longshot: Deals the usual 2 damage at ANY distance along a straight path. This will fire through your teammates, but the bullet is stopped by enemies and barriers.
  2. Airstrike (Need 3VP): A mortar-like move that only hits at a distance of exactly 3 spaces. It deals an impressive 4 damage, but you’ll need a turn to recharge it.
  3. Tapping Round (Need 5 VP): If you have a straight shot at the enemy pillar, this move lets you tap for 1VP from across the map.

Another modest gameplay tweak was included in today’s update: we’ve standardized the special move unlocks into 3 easy-to-remember thresholds: Early Game unlocks all happen at 3VP now, Mid-Game unlocks are at 5VP, and a few rare Late Game unlocks will happen at 7VP.

Next on our agenda is the last minion class for Hex Gambit’s launch: the Pacifist. We’ll also be trying to squeeze in a few long-talked about character buffs before we shift our focus from minions to other features.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on our $14.99 launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Blitz Royale Arena Progress 02


Was hoping to have some textured stuff to show today, but I’ve been a bit distracted by things we’ve prioritized ahead of single player. You’ll have to use your imagination a little longer. I’m aiming to make this new arena stuff less drab than the current stadium, and then to go back and touch up some of my old work (again) later, time permitting.

In other news, I think we might have a silent, but otherwise working sniper class next week.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on the launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Profiles Update


Player profiles are here! The skill tiers we showed you during our Kickstarter are in, but with a twist! As you accumulate wins in the Apex Cup, you’ll be promoted to snazzier and shinier titles. The days of being stuck “Forever Fluffy” or sometimes getting weirdly demoted after a win in Outwitters are gone. As far as these badges are concerned, you have nowhere to go but up!

So your level shows opponents how long you’ve been playing, and your title will tell them how many league matches you’ve crushed. But what about the really hardcore players that like the more precise, fluctuating win/loss-type skill rating? Well, we do have a stat like that for each of you under the hood of our matchmaking system, we just haven’t fully developed and deployed that system yet. If that’s the kind of thing you want us to prioritize in a future update, or if there’s something else you want to see, let us know! It’s your Early Access super power to nudge development in the direction you care about.

With profiles up and running, we’ll be jumping right in to our first minion addition: the Sniper! Soon we’ll all have to decide which of our six minions we want to boot from the roster, or let fate decide randomly between the six different combinations.

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. Buy a copy today to save 10% on the launch price, then give us some feedback to help shape the final product! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.


Patch Notes

  • Runner’s Dash now costs 0 Action Points (down from 1).
  • Profile Screens now added
  • In-game profile selection now available
  • Steam avatars are now used throughout the game
  • Added avatars to turn banners in-game
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OML Twitches Ep. 19


Our stream from Hex Gambit‘s Early Access launch day! Wherein our accountant asks us tax return questions just before we need to start, so we have to skip our mic check and Adam is very loud. It’s an intense match, though, as Adam somehow dismantles the march of the brutes!

Check back weekly for more progress on our upcoming turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to get an email reminder for the official release on PC later this year.

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Play Hex Gambit Today!


The time has come! Everyone can get their hands on our new turn-based strategy game, Hex Gambit, RIGHT NOW on Steam. The very first league season of our beta is just getting started, so choose a faction and make your mark in a community-wide turf war, the Apex Cup. Anyone looking to mingle with other hexagonal strategists should look no further than the Hex Gambit discord server, where our veteran testers have been hanging out since the early days of the alpha version.

There are two great reasons to dive in during this beta: you’ll get 10% off the launch price for helping us test (snag a second copy at 20% off with the 2 Pack available here), and your feedback (sent to contact at will influence what kind of changes are made as we bring the remaining features online for launch.

What you can play today:

  • Test your mettle in 1v1, or join a friend for 2v2 co-op
  • Six unlockable captains
  • Choose a faction and fight for territory in the Apex Cup
  • Transition seamlessly between real-time and asynchronous play online

Features we’ll add in the coming months:

  • Two new minions: the Sniper and Pacifist
  • Select a captain and five minion classes to craft a personal playstyle. Tons of ways to combine moves and characters!
  • Have a game night with couch multiplayer
  • Tackle our single player challenge mode: the Blitz Royale

See you in the arena!

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Blitz Royale Arena Progress 01


Got my center piece all modeled and unwrapped.

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