While thinking about digital tabletop games along the lines of Space Food Truck, I arrived at something interesting.
SFT was designed for coop, but I found a lot of people were playing it as a single player game anyway. It’s a complicated way to play, having four different decks to build and keep track of, but people still enjoyed it. That got me wondering, what would Space Food Truck look like if it were actually built for single player?

In sketching out the rules for that, I hit one of those juicy idea geysers. “I could tweak this, ditch that, skin it like this…” And before long I had a doable, interesting game idea in the wildly popular deckbuilding food truck simulator genre.
So I’m prototyping that right now! Here’s some of the key differences I’m from SFT that I’m aiming for:
- New theme, not a direct SFT sequel.
- More focus on recipe crafting. Removing the limit on how many you can cook and deliver in a session.
- Recipes that feel more real. Meat plus bun equals burger, for example.
- Less turns where you can’t do anything, and more flexibility in which crew member’s job can be done when.
- Experimenting with removing movement, doors, and crises altogether. I want to swap those for a different challenge that’s less frustrating.
So that’s where I’m at! Will this be my next project? Too soon to say, but it does feel like a strong candidate. Check back next month to see how it’s going!
From the Desk of Alex Okafor
Hi OML fans!
Just wanted to start off this post with a huge thanks to our entire community of fans, players, and supporters! We wouldn’t have made it this far without you guys. It’s been a minute since our last update, and I wish this was more of an uplifting “bringing in the new year” post. Unfortunately, the last few years haven’t been the kindest to our studio, and to the indie game development scene at large. The combination of difficult market realities, and having burned the midnight oil for years on end is finally catching up with me (oh, to be young).
Going forward, OML is no longer a full-time endeavor for me. I’m currently happily in a new full-time position at another company. When I think back on the years of development, the thing that sticks with me is the encouragement and excitement from our fans on what we were working on. You guys made it worth all the effort. I’m still in awe at the fan art, tools, community led tournaments, and support our fan base had shown over the years.
- So what does this mean for our online games? Our current game servers will continue to operate. If the situation changes with any of them, we’ll notify players on appropriate channels (this blog included).
- What does this mean for the Hex Gambit Switch port? It’s still in development, but at a much slower pace after hours. As such, I can’t really give an estimate on when it’ll be ready.
Again, I can’t emphasize enough how great these last 9+ years have been, and can’t thank you all you enough for that awesome opportunity.
What About Adam?
First of all, I’m grateful to Alex for taking me on this adventure in the first place, and I wish him the best.
We’d both like to offer a sincere apology to our Switch backers for all of the delays you guys have endured. After a rougher-than-expected Steam launch, we just found ourselves without any options to continue HG development full time. We over-promised, and we’re doing everything we can to make it right. Thank you all for your support and your patience.
While (as an artist) I can’t help Alex finish Hex Gambit any faster, I’m exploring my options for working on another game (don’t worry, there won’t be another Kickstarter) while taking on some contract work. If you’d like to see whatever might come next from me, make sure you subscribe to our mailing list and follow me on Twitter @oneadamleft. I have literally no idea what will happen!
If you’d like to contract me to help out with your project, I do all kinds of art with a specialty in UE4, and you can check out my portfolio right here.
Space Food Truck is a whopping 60% off on Steam through Tuesday, November 28! That’s just $3.99 for our 1-4 player cooperative card adventure, and a four pack for your entire crew is only 12 bucks on the Humble Store! “Deck building and friendship ruiner all in one.”
Space Food Truck, our 1-4 player co-op adventure card game is on sale starting today! If you still haven’t picked up a copy, or were looking for an excuse to pick up a copy for a friend there’s been no better time. At $7.99 this is the lowest price it has ever been on Steam and Humble! The sale runs through July 5th, and if you’re into getting 4-packs, you can now get the 4-pack for just $20.99 as well.
For the folks that like gaming on the go, we’re also running a sale on iOS and Android where you can pick up a copy for $2.99 through July 5th!
Haven’t had a chance to check out our culinary card adventure, Space Food Truck? Got some cost-conscious holdouts among your crew? Fret not, because from today forward we’re dropping the game’s price in half permanently on all platforms. That’s $9.99 for the Steam version or just $4.99 on iOS and Android tablets.
Build your deck as you scour an unforgiving galaxy in search of exotic ingredients with 1-4 players, taking on the unique roles of Captain, Engineer, Chef, or Scientist. Each role has a totally different focus, and you’ll all have to pull your weight to complete your signature dishes and reach the final planet in one piece.
Here’s our quick tutorial series if you’re curious to learn more:
Our 1-4 player co-op card adventure Space Food Truck is just a hair over 1 year old today, and we’re celebrating with a 60% discount all this week on every version of the game! That’s our $19.99 game marked down to just $7.99!
The discount starts today at 10am PST through April 17th at the same time on PC or iOS and Android tablets. You can even pick up a four pack of PC keys for your entire crew for just $23.99! Good space cuisine just doesn’t get more affordable than this, you guys. You can even get a taste for how the game works with our quick tutorial series right here.
Click for a better view.
We’ve decided it’s time to move on from Space Food Truck content production, but I did have a solid head start on the artwork for what would have been our first expansion: the Resupply Remix. Basically all of the items would be removed from the game and replaced by totally new ones with different abilities. Sadly, these guys never made it to the beta testing phase.
We also had some neat ideas for new character skins. that would not only change the way your Captain looks, they’d also change all of her class cards in the lab to new ones. So between that and the resupply remix, you could play SFT all sorts of different ways.
But alas, in the way that most of our games go, we never have time to add everything we want. We’re already off on our next adventure, Hex Gambit!
Happy Humble Winter Sale everybody! Our co-op card adventure Space Food Truck is half off until January 26th, EXCLUSIVELY on the Humble Store. And so are a ton of other great games!
Happy Holidays from One Man Left! In accordance with our American values, we’ve got stuff on sale!
Our latest game, Space Food Truck, is a whopping half off its normal value pretty much anywhere you can find it, INCLUDING (for the first time ever) the tablet versions for Android and iOS! You’ll find savings for the desktop version via Steam and our official site.
Then we thought, since we’re hard at work on the spiritual successor to Outwitters, why not include it in this year’s sale? Download Outwitters for free on iOS and Android, and for a limited time everything in the store is just 99 cents!
Enjoy these savings right through the New Year! Our prices go back to normal January 2nd.
It’s that special time of year where everything in America is on sale, and the Steam version of Space Food Truck is no exception! Get a single key or a 4-pack (already 4 keys for the price of 3) for 50% off, now through November 29!
You can grab these prices on Steam as a part of their big Autumn Sale and through our official site. And in case you hadn’t heard, Space Food Truck is also now available on iOS and Android tablets for just $9.99.
Happy Turkey Day! Check back Friday for your weekly peek at Game 6.