These are some changelogs for internal Hex Gambit: Respawned builds. Just dumping them here because it’s where I tend to look.
- Fixed a bug where the Captain’s Gambit Ready animation was playing when Gambits were set to Stock and opponents had a handicap (only supposed to play if set to Comeback)
- Fixed a bug where Captain’s Gambits were setting two Undo snapshots instead of one, so you had to undo them twice to undo the previous action.
- Adjusted menus to work better with localized text.
- Improved 4:3 aspect ratio support.
- Added internal ‘hide UI’ mode for footage capture. Only works in Cheater builds.
- Hiding language options for the time being.
- Slowed down loading screen for the demo by 0.8 seconds so you can read.
- Demo: Added wishlist nag to the level select
- Fixed icon on Steam- was the Unreal icon
- Demo: Added full game nags to the multiplayer setup screens
- Demo: Updated style of Custom Rules nag
- Custom Rules: changed Captain’s Gambit options’ display text, changed default to Stock to match Campaign.
- Demo: Added “only in full game” to Captain Select for locked captains
- Added Enter as a more widely-supported Confirm input