Fresh Ingredients


Dark Turnip

We have a few items in our sights for upcoming Space Food Truck updates. One: the difficulty is too hard for some, but too easy for others. This is always the case in games, but in order to provide something fun for everyone, we’ve decided to add multiple difficulties. We had scrapped that for time reasons, but it feels like it’ll take just as long to hone in on one difficulty that works for everyone. Not sure if this will be ready in our very next update, but it’s high on the list.

Two: our enormous galaxy doesn’t have a ton of variety when it comes to food. For that reason I’ve been feverishly outputting new ingredients, and now we’re up to 26 different kinds! Coming next update, our galaxy generator will select a subset of ingredients to be used in each game, which is good news for those of you who are sick of chewing on space kale.

Keep an eye out for a fresh build of Space Food Truck later this week!

Categories: Space Food Truck
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