Just About There


Gauntlet's Revenge Boss Level

We won’t spoil the final level for you, but this is the entrance to the Dot Bot Fortress (along with some Dot King propaganda).

At the end of last week we put the finishing touches on all four of Gauntlet’s courses. Our litmus test for it being ready was to beat the entire game on hard mode, where you die in one hit and have to be perfect. I managed to finish everything but our final boss, who I got down to two hits but couldn’t quite finish off. That is the last, great challenge in the game, so we figure he’s about right.

So now, in the final stretch, we squish bugs, create marketing materials, dot i’s, and cross t’s. Trailer, screenshots, press releases, store description… There’s a lot left to do, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’re looking at you, October.

Categories: Tilt to Live

One response to “Just About There”

  1. EvilDino says:

    October release? Can’t wait!