S’more Shield?


Here’s some sketches for a new, bubble-shield-style defensive weapon I was calling Ironhide. Also one of them is a marshmallow. We decided to take this in a different direction.


7 responses to “S’more Shield?”

  1. BS15 says:

    AWSOME!! marshmellow’s a funny one

  2. ? says:

    Can you eat the marshmallow???

  3. Alon says:

    Maybe the dots got a new spike shield but we got the marshmallow shield so who is laughing now.

  4. Texasholden says:

    I vote bottom left, with spinning wheel from the middle left. That’d be sup’a fly.

  5. Avenged110 says:

    This game is gonna be so weird haha

  6. Someone21 says:

    Imagine; actual marshmallow armor. It just, boom, popped into my head there, and then for some reason I started thinking of a marshmallow themed Outwitters team pack.

  7. EMM1999 says:

    Lol, Ironhide is actually another game developer studio! Very funny.