Progress Report


Huge thank you to everyone that helped spread the word about our interactive designer portfolio search. We’ve got a lot of good candidates to sift through, and we’re excited to see what an extra pair of hands will get us. Since Outwitters, I’ve had this nagging itch to focus on improving my style, characters, environments, and animation (not to mention the whole game design thing). Menu design has always been sort of this other world. I go there for a little while every year or so, and I only remember enough of the language to ask where the bathroom is. It’ll be nice to have someone more fluent around.

The enemies and weapons are all pretty much in, so once we fill in some UI blanks TtL2 will be ready for alpha testing. We’re also really excited about Mike Reagan starting work next month. When sound effects and music start coming in, it really feels like a totally different game.

7 responses to “Progress Report”

  1. Cozyhut3 says:

    Wow, sounds like the game is coming along very nicely. 😀

  2. Avenged110 says:

    Cool! I wanna help alpha test 😉

  3. Someone21 says:

    As do I!

  4. Alon says:

    Keep it up OML 🙂

  5. Bartimaeus says:

    wonderful,can’t wait to see some TtL2 screens! Also iss there any way to get in the alpha testing crew?

  6. Adam says:

    Alex handles alpha recruiting, and we don’t get a lot of slots to work with. You can try our contact form, using the subject “Beta Request”. Generally if he’s looking for candidates, we’ll do a tweet or something. We may already be at capacity.

  7. SOFT EGG DRAGON says:
