Aaaand We’re Back


We’ve just returned from our first ever Game Developer’s Conference! For whatever reason, these are the only two pictures I took. We attended some pretty sweet lectures, and I got to shake hands with the Art Lead from Donkey Kong Country Returns and the writer from Dead Space 2. I’m keeping their business cards on my desk for inspiration. I tried to get a lock of hair, but there was no really smooth way of doing it.

Alex’s souvenir was a truly terrible-sounding illness that had me washing my hands religiously. Poor guy spent the last two or three days of the conference in silent agony. Silent aside from the snorting and coughing fits. Hopefully he feels better soon.

We also got to meet at least six British people (one was from New Zealand, but he counts)! I’ve never met a British person before, and I’d like to apologize for asking you all to say things from Lord of the Rings, and snickering when you went for tea on our coffee break.

So now it’s back to work! Alex is polishing up HD’s Coop, and I’m continuing artwork & animation for something new. More on that after coop is out the door.

Categories: News

6 responses to “Aaaand We’re Back”

  1. Someone says:

    Ultra chocolate ice cream!

  2. Adam says:

    If you look closely at the logo, it gets better: “Double Rainbow Ultra Chocolate Ice Cream”

  3. Jarod says:

    The real question is what the hell where you doing at The Little Mermaid sing along? O_o

  4. Ira1017 says:

    “Something new” is going to be awesome

  5. Solan says:

    Well, The Little Mermaid sing along and Double Rainbow Ultra Chocolate Ice Cream. Very nice conference. Hope Alex Okafor’s feeling better. I can’t wait for “Something New”.

  6. Tina Tran says:

    It was awesome seeing you guys at GDC! Meeting all the top game developers in person was definitely inspiring. Nothing random about your two pics. Fun + Food is wehre it’s at.