What’s this thing?


You kinda have to see it.

I dunno. Looks new… and not the right colors. I wonder if there will be some kind of big announcement about it on TouchArcade on Friday, March 19th? If only someone inside One Man Left Studios could confirm or deny that oddly specific suspicion!

Categories: Tilt to Live

7 responses to “What’s this thing?”

  1. Lord Gek says:

    Well shoot, if not even the guy posting about it on the company’s own webpage knows if this is a legitimate rumor, we’re all in for a lot of trouble, eh? ;-P

  2. Tony says:

    @Lord Gek – I think he’s going for an inconspicuous “you didn’t hear it from us” announcement xD

    Hm… My guess would have to be a new update for Tilt To Live with a new weapon which stops time and enables our arrow of destruction to move within the dots with ease. 0.o

    Unless there’s already a weapon like that and I just haven’t unlocked it. If so, it must be something diabolical…

    – Tony

  3. Tony says:

    Sorry for the double post :S (You guys should add a register/login feature one of these days 😛 )

    I was just thinking…

    TouchArcade wouldn’t be making a Big Announcement for a new weapon in the game, which makes me thing that this “rumor” of something big is actually a new game. That or a mind altering new game mode for TtL :O


  4. japtor says:

    Don’t know if that’s for a new game or for Tilt to Live…but I’d really like a time attack mode. Like 1 or 2 minutes with the difficulty ramped up early on. It’d be a nice alternative to playing longer and longer games for score.

    That thing just happening to be in the shape of a clock gives me hope.

  5. Doomboy says:

    Just thought I’d point out that you seem to be assuming that Touch Arcade are going to post it on their front page, but who says OneManLeft aren’t just going to announce it on the forum page? Just sayin’…

  6. Citsade says:

    Putting your mouse over the clock = Gauntlet.