Half Time


First some breaking news: Alex and I have decided to bring Space Food Truck to iOS and Android tablets! The PC version should be ready around the end of this year, after which we’ll jump right into optimizing the game for tablets. This way more of our existing fans will have access to Space Food Truck on their platform of choice.

Hard to believe our little Space Food Truck Kickstarter is almost 15 days old, with just 15 days to go! From what we’ve read about Kickstarter, most projects that can reach 20% funding will go on to be completely funded during the last big rush at the end of their campaign. We’re just $1,700 away! Here’s what you can do to help push us over that magic number:

  1. Back our Kickstarter (every $1 helps)! If you’ve been putting it off to the end of the campaign, perhaps we can entice you with an Early Bird discount? There are less than 90 left. And if you aren’t completely sold on this game or Kickstarter in general, but you liked one of our previous games, every $1 helps!
  2. Retweet our Space Food Truck tweets or share our facebook posts to help us reach more people (big thanks to those of you who have been doing this all along)!
  3. Tell your friends about the game! You’ll be wanting a reliable crew to play with, anyway.
  4. Your favorite gaming news site probably has a “contact” or “tip us” page for you to suggest games or news stories they should cover.

Thank you to everyone who supported us so far! Our tiny little indie company depends on you guys to keep chugging along. We’re working super hard to make Space Food Truck our best game yet.

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That Was Quick


Just like that, Space Food Truck has been greenlit for sale on Steam! In just over a week, no less. Thanks to everyone who stepped up and voted for us.

One big request we’ve been getting from you guys was for more gameplay footage, so our programmer Alex was kind enough to record a quick walkthrough for a turn as the Captain. The Captain class has 5 unique job cards to help her explore the galaxy in different ways (this video shows off her main starting job card: Engage!), in addition to 30 other unique items and ingredients that anyone can collect from your on-board shop, the Zapmart.

Bear in mind that most of the polish, sound effects, music and animation get filled in at the end of the project (we are on Kickstarter for a reason), but we hope this and future videos give you get a better idea of what you can expect from Space Food Truck.

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One Small Step for Food


So we’ve been campaigning like crazy for one whole week now, and Space Food Truck is up to 13% of our funding goal! It may come down to the wire, but with your help we can finish this game the right way. Real sound effects and music, online play, and slick animations! If you’re interested in helping out, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Back Space Food Truck! A lot of people like to wait until the very end of the campaign to jump in, but we’re offering an Early Bird Discount to anyone willing to pull the trigger and pledge now. It would certainly help us freak out less as the campaign continues.
  2. Anyone you know with a Steam account can vote for us on Greenlight. We’re 47% of the way to the top 100, and we’ll need every single vote we can muster to push us over the top!
  3. Spread the word. It’s a great game for anyone that likes card games, board games, funny games, co-op games, or would be interested in something they can play with their kids.
  4. Your favorite gaming news site probably has a “contact” or “tip us” page for you to suggest games or news stories they should cover.

In our smorgasbord of tweets this week, we’ve been including some promo images that I’ve had a blast writing every morning. Below is a roundup of all we’ve posted so far. My personal goal is to have one for every day of our campaign, so 30 pieces in all.


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Space Food Truck: A Digital Co-op Board Game


We’re proud to announce that our fifth game project is well underway! Space Food Truck is a tongue-in-cheek, cooperative digital board game for PC, Mac, and Linux. You can check out some early video and read through a wealth of information on our Kickstarter page. We also need all the Greenlight votes we can get to bring this game to Steam!

We’d been lucky enough up to this point to fund all of our projects 100% by our own game sales, but we found ourselves stuck choosing between some pretty brutal feature cuts this time. We could only really afford to finish it on our own if we removed online play, used “clip art” sound effects and music, and axed most of the animation and polish. We hope you’ll consider supporting our Kickstarter to help us take this game to another level. If it looks like something you’d want to play with your friends or family, we could really make this something special with your help!

I know many of you are probably wondering, why a PC game? Space Food Truck is an effort to branch out to a new platform and make something a little deeper than the average mobile game. We’re excited about making the jump to PC/Mac/Linux, and all the game design possibilities that opens up for us. We’d like to thank all of our fans immensely for their support over the years, and we hope you’ll join us on this weird little trip to space!

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First Playtest!


There’s been a lot of time spent on this blog talking about our fifth game, and we almost have everything we need together to announce it (honestly, I was hoping we’d have it ready this week). I can still give you a little taste, though. Here’s a picture from a few months ago at our first, super-ugly prototype play test. The game being super-ugly, not our testers.

2015-03-13 20.59.48

We said we were leaning toward multiplayer, and that’s definitely happening. You’ll also notice our testers staring at a bunch of rectangles, because it’s a digital card game! Much, much more detail coming soon with the big unveiling.

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Outwitters 2 Mockup


We even went as far as exploring art styles for an Outwitters sequel. Here’s a Mortal Kombat-esque miniature board mockup with a Feedback “hero” character. One of our Outwitters 2 designs involved these heroes that worked like really durable special units.


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Outwitters Returns?


Outwitters 2 was a heavy contender for Game 5, but ultimately we decided to go with something completely fresh. On the left are a few soldier designs for a new dystopian Adorables team, and on the right are some updated looks for the Feedback soldier.

Outwitters 2 Sketches

I think we’re still a few weeks out from our big Game 5 announcement, but keep checking back for more updates!

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Witches Be Trippin’


I apologize for this post title. It’s awful.

We’ve had a discussion about the Game 5 announcement, and it’s going to be a bit more elaborate than our usual “here’s the logo, see you in 6-12 months”. Working on getting all that together now, so stick around!

Here are some more sketches I did for that narrative Game 5 idea (which we aren’t going with). It was going to be sort of half-Year Walk, half Zelda, kinda point-and-click adventurey. These concepts were for the witch that lived on top of the mountain.


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Half Rhino, All Dinosaur


We’ve actually zeroed in on our Game 5 idea, and should be able to announce it soon. First I think it could use a title.

While we all wait patiently, here’s a concept/style exploration piece for a weird little RPG idea I was messing with. This guy’s called the rhinosaur ™.


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Sketchy Little Guy


Prototype time isn’t just a time for game ideas. I try to squeeze in some character concepts for fun, too. This guy was for a narrative idea that won’t likely be Game 5.

Greeter Man

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