Outwitters Update 3


Is it November already? This week we hit a pretty important milestone; Outwitters is finally a universal app! Alex has already taken a few turns from his iPhone, and the transition seems to have gone as smoothly as we’d hoped. There are some nasty new bugs popping up in the universal build, but we’re that much closer to the game we intend to release.

In the graphics department, each race now has one fully-themed map up and running with its animated background, most of them with music. It’s nice to see how everything came together, and to be able to play a few maps that look how they will on release day.

There are still a bunch of menus and level backgrounds to assemble, a sound engine to implement, and some mo’ quality assurance testing to do. So we’re pretty much prepared to walk the release date back to early 2012. That takes our lofty goal of releasing two games this year and whittles it down to… no games. But hey, we’ll be kicking 2012 off with a pretty big one.

iPad Screenshot

Categories: Outwitters

6 responses to “Outwitters Update 3”

  1. ScottC says:

    Looking great. I hear you about things taking longer than expected. I’m finding scheduling to be the most challenging aspect of development.

  2. Imhungry4eva says:

    The screenshot looks wicked. Can’t wait to 2012.

  3. Solan says:

    Pretty sweet progress from last update! Also, it seems better to release a game later with better stuff than release it early and have it suck. As usual, keep up the good work guys!

  4. Looking says:

    Looking super good! Take your time…but can’t wait til I get my hands on this 🙂

  5. Loons says:

    Looks fun! *getting even more exited” 🙂

  6. brayton says:

    great screenshot, take your time and release whenever its best(maybe 2014 with many bonus features) and what about a mac version(does it run the same code, or are they different variations of Xcode), but anyway, a mac version would be epic(with bigger maps, no zooming in and out)