One Man Left Speaks


With one entire game under our belt, we’ve got reams of knowledge and experience to impart to aspiring designers everywhere. We did some new interviews recently, and they went a little something like this:

Categories: News

5 responses to “One Man Left Speaks”

  1. Live to Tilt says:

    Nice on the spot humor with those interviews.

  2. Gennaro says:

    Hows the update coming along?

  3. Molly says:

    I love your game. My husband and I have been obsessed with it. We both went to an Android platform and have been looking all over for tilt to live. Are you going to ever put it in the DROID MARKET? Thanks, Molly

  4. Adam says:

    @Molly: We discuss it off and on. It’s not on the agenda (and a lot of other stuff is), but we do get LOTS of Android requests. So it’s tempting… unless you’re all just one guy using 3,000 aliases.

    @Gennaro: We’ll probably submit within the week. We’re still tweaking the rules, so it gets more fun every day.

  5. Texas holden says:

    How many pocket points will I need to get the burnicade?