Second Chances



When you’ve taken a hit and it feels like your life is spinning out of control… just keep tilting.

16 responses to “Second Chances”

  1. Someone21 says:

    Eh heh heh… spinning out of control.

  2. IWannaComment says:

    Please make it so it’s kind of hard to get that extra life, or as an in – app purchase. Otherwise the game will lose its originaliy…

  3. Someone21 says:

    Agreeing with IWannaComment, it’s just not like the ol’ TtL when there are more lives than you should work with. Back in TtL1, there were no second chances in Classic Mode. And then there were less lives than you could work with, when there are second chances in the new generation of arrows.

  4. Someone21 says:

    Saggita Rotundum Album, the common arrow with a round foot, common in the early TtL. Now the arrow evolves, Saggita Adamas Album, now with somehow a diamonded foot. Reminds me of Pokémon, except they didn’t have all the Latin terms used to describe the taxonomy of one, aside the one I made for the arrows throughout Tilt to Live. Possibly legitimate, because I took some line of guess, and used Google Translate without stringing the words together. The dark version of the arrow is actually Sagitta Rotundum Nigrum, from ¡Viva La Coop! Yeah, I’m really into that science. Yup. Got all the arrows down to a science. I’m sure I could do the same with the red dots, but I’m too lazy.

  5. Someone21 says:

    Y’know, for so long, I’ve tried to get into the forums but when I kept sending the confirmation emails, it NEVER shows up in my inbox. I’ve checked it and the spam too (even though I’d never spam you guys). I also made sure to check if I sent the confirm to the right email (typos, alternates, made sure if I was on the right page), and still nothing. Anything I’m supposed to do or not do?

  6. Brayton says:

    Please oh please make those little stars in the electron shell formation.
    First shell=2 stars
    Second=8 stars
    Third=18 stars

    Come-on, you know its what ya wanna’ do!

  7. Someone21 says:

    Yes to Science! Yes to Brayton!

  8. Someone21 says:

    Man, I commented SOOO much on this page. Especially it was almost all in a row.

  9. RandyBaseball17 says:

    Are those the lyrics to a song? Sounds familiar.

  10. CombatEX says:

    As long as there is a mode where there are no extra lives I’m happy. I like the idea that when I get hit it’s game. Artificial extension isn’t a fun mechanic for me. But again, as long as there is a mode to play without it where you are ranked with other people playing without it, it’s not a problem =)

    If they make extra lives an IAP I am going from “day one purchase” to “never purchase”. Extra lives that you can pay for in a “score attack” game is the most heinous kind of monetization. Paying for new modes, arrow skins, backgrounds in game modes, etc is good, just not something that helps you extend your score in such a drastic way.

  11. Alon says:

    Well what about they put the extra life as an option before you start the game and if you choose to put it on your score won’t be count in the GC list or there will be a diffrent leadboreds for this option.

    I have to agree with you Combat, a second life in game such as this is a bit too much for a DLC and especially because this game is so competitive.

  12. Necrocat219 says:

    OML have done a good job so far in not using the bad kind of IAP’s, the ones that artificially add a lump of score onto yours through buying lives, power ups, etc. Instead they do it through gamemodes, which is a really clean model. I would never have downloaded TTL1 if it had ‘pay to win’ mechanics.

  13. Adam says:

    Just to clarify: there is no “extra life” IAP in TtL2. This second chance is one you have to earn.

  14. CombatEX says:

    Great to see the confirmation Adam! I didnt think you guys would implement it poorly as your track record with TTL and Outwitters regarding IAP is excellent. Just wanted to make sure though =)

  15. Someone21 says:

    pweez reply to comment five

    • Alex says:

      @Someone21, try to access our forums now? I did some changes on the backend, if you had a registered account it should be activated now.