Reverse Engineering


In Tilt to Live 1, you learned what it felt like to drive a spike shield. In Redonkulous, you’ll learn what it’s like to be on the other end.


18 responses to “Reverse Engineering”

  1. Alon says:

    The beginning of the dots apocalypse.
    Looks great Adam.

  2. BS15 says:

    Yay for Death

  3. Bartimaeus says:

    sounds great, is this sequel going to be exclusively for one of the idevices? or is it going to be for both ipad and iphones/ipods?

  4. Adam says:

    @Bart: We plan to make it universal for the release, but it’s just running on iPhone/iPod touch at the moment. Nothing is for sure just yet.

  5. The Cozyhut says:

    Hey, it’s the first in-game screenshot!

  6. Opser says:

    Will Adam develop on android version?

  7. Adam says:

    @Opser: We’re focusing on iOS first. Once the game is out, we might explore that option. We’ve never done it before, so it’s hard to say for certain.

  8. Phyresis says:

    The game is looking amazing guys! Keep up the good work!

  9. TheQwertiest says:


  10. SpiderChief3 says:

    This game looks epic. How much will it cost?

  11. jbadams01 says:

    Oh no, the poor arrow doesn’t stand a chance D:

  12. Calab says:

    Adam, do you have any ideas for the date of the release? 🙂

  13. VoxelKnight says:

    Wouldn’t it be freaky if there was a chance for a dot to pick up a power up? :O
    Dat arrow is going to have it’s work cut out for him 😀

  14. Adam says:

    @Calab: Not confident enough in a release date to announce one officially (we’re still not in beta), but we’re aiming for September at the moment.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Looks great so far! Looking forward to it! Love the idea of switching roles with dot types and also I like the designes so far 🙂

    May I ask is the scoring/leaderboard going to be the same? I loved everything about TTL1 except the scoring system eventually left me frustrated,sustaining your combo into large numbers was very frustrating, especially with the large gap of no dots appearing sometimes if you accidentally killed them all. Also, is using a non-gamecentre leaderboard out of the question? Personally I love detailed leaderboards (my favourite I’ve come across shows your score compared to those against your city, all the way up to the world)

  16. Necrocat219 says:

    ^ Also that was me, forgot to put my name 😛

  17. Adam says:

    @Necro: Haven’t messed with scoring yet. Still working on weapons and enemies.

  18. necro says:

    Okay, thanks