More Like Boss Half-Month


So boss month got a little side tracked. Halfway through, it segued into a “finish all the animations so our sound effects people have something to work with” marathon, which we’re still working on. We’ve got 17 different boss encounters at the moment, but none of their difficulties are tweaked yet for Code Red. Was shooting for 20-30 encounters, so we’ll be sneaking in some more boss design if we can.

We’ve been talking with Mike Reagan’s company REdVOLT Audio, the team responsible for Outwitters’ excellent soundtrack and sound effects, to see what they can do with Tilt to Live 2. Still a lot of animations to wrap up so they can do their thing in a month or so. I should be working on animations right now, actually.

Release date is shooting for September at the moment, which feels realistic because it’s super far away. Look for us to be all “what were we thinking?” in August.

7 responses to “More Like Boss Half-Month”

  1. Alon says:

    Good to hear you working with REdVOLT again because they did such a great work with outwitters.
    By the way,I can’t wait for your “what we’re we thinking” post in August 😉

  2. diversionArchitect says:

    Sweet! I loved the sounds in Outwitters. ^Same

  3. The Cozyhut says:

    Haha, before you even said “expect a delay”, I knew that I should expect a delay. XD

  4. Wilson says:

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks again for all of the generous updates. I am looking forward to purchasing Tilt to Live 2.

    I wanted to ask what software do you use to create your animations. I am used to doing Flash keyframing and even Photoshop for animated gifs, but wanted to know what you use? I understand Apple has APIs to leverage their OS for things like this (I could be totally wrong here).

    Thanks in advance for any response you give. If it’s too sketchy a question to answer (so that no one steals your mojo), I would totally understand. I just want to know more about designing for iOS.


  5. BS15 says:

    Good on you guys, keep strong. I guarantee you I will be buying your game.

  6. Necrocat219 says:

    Sounds awesome, really looking forward to it, especially boss battles! 🙂