More Early Concepts


Some more less-circular ideas for Tilt to Live 2 enemies. Again, no idea what (if any) of this will make it into the final game. We’re kind of hovering around the concept of giving the dots some war machines. The battering ram dots are an adaptation of the old big red throwing knives from Tilt to Live 1’s Gauntlet mode. The tank is probably a bit much for a Tilt to Live game, but I like his little general hat.


4 responses to “More Early Concepts”

  1. BS15 says:

    Sounds awsome, would be great if the Dot tank could be included (what’s the Dot bomb do, is it a power or, as I presume, an enemy)

  2. BS15 says:

    Also, shouldn’t the battering ram be for the arrows that form in normal mode?

  3. Alon says:

    I’m buying the game only if I get a little general hat with it.

  4. Wilson says:

    I love the concept of giving the dots more personality. Little things like giving the dots hats, or weapons to hold is a cool approach.