Drawing Circles


This was one of the first concept pieces I played with for Tilt to Live 2. None of this stuff is guaranteed to make it into the game, but you can see I’m messing with some alternate enemy types. As much as I enjoy the idea of a big freaky mega dot, it has to fit well with the flow of the game to make it into the final product.

Most of my concept work is just quick sketching thrown around on a big canvas, with some color or grayscale values thrown in occasionally to flesh things out. Nothing super-polished, just enough to make the idea tangible. I’m pretty determined to do more than just draw circles for this game, so we’ll see where that ambition takes us.


9 responses to “Drawing Circles”

  1. The Cozyhut says:

    More than circles? Madness!

  2. Alon says:

    I want the big freaky mega dot in the game.

  3. Adam says:

    He looks like the Final Fantasy bomb bad guy, for dots.

  4. Paul says:

    Will this please be made for android?

  5. Wilson says:

    I am really excited for Tilt To Live 2. Thank you so much for giving us these developer diaries, I check this site very often and love getting early insight within game pre-production, production, and post production.

    You are one of the best studios to hit iOS, great job.

  6. Anonymous says:

    A variety of massive and mutated dots could act as bosses/mini bosses for a certain gametype

  7. diggitfireball says:

    A variety of massive and mutated dots could act as bosses/mini bosses for a certain gametype

  8. Be. says:

    Just some thoughts not strictly connected to this artwork for T2L2:
    – find a way to keep hackers out of the leader boards (at least out of the leaderboards if not the game)
    – I’m still playing T2L and I’ve been dreaming of weapons combinations: say I picked the electrify weapon and get into a turret, bullets should be electrifying enemies instead of killing them. See the concept? It works with a couple of combinations of the T2L1 weapons 🙂

  9. Someone21 says:

    Heh, combinations. Burnicade and Perforator. Spike Shield and Vortex. Ooh ooh, I know! Lightning and Missiles!