Weapon Idea


From a recent meeting: “You shatter the weapon orb and freeze time. Your bomb will detonate in 30 minutes, or for 99ยข it could explode right now!” Tilt to Live 2 is not planned to be a free to play game.

We’re in the weapon R&D phase as I write this, mocking up as many ideas as possible to see what sticks. I’d forgotten how fun Tilt to Live brainstorming sessions are. In a universe of abstract shapes and “burnicades”, almost any crazy thing you can think of fits.

8 responses to “Weapon Idea”

  1. The Cozyhut says:

    Premium. Glad to hear it. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Alon says:

    Good to hear it’s not going to be a freemum game.

  3. Avenged110 says:

    It’s so nice to see that there are still people who care about making quality software.

  4. Kurt connor says:

    Yes! Premium =D ! I cant wait to hear what weapons are gonna be in the sequel. Rtom what I read above, seems like a time bomb nuke explosion thing of DOOM.

    Gd luck guys =) !

  5. Szei says:

    haha! I still remember back when I bought TTL there was only one mode. Then Adam and Alex added three more modes for free. Much respect! The game was already well worth it with just the first mode. Glad to see OML sticking to its roots.

  6. LorGek says:

    Please resist the Dark Side!

  7. BS15 says:

    Just some weapon ideas:

    Copy cat:
    -create a number of copies that glow gold and stay in a ring around you, all of which can also attract dots and use power ups.

    Whatever the material used, the connection between you (the arrow) and the central axis (a stationary point, where the power up was activated) damages any dots it comes into contact with.

    A number of mines rotate around you (4-5), which are dropped off at regular intervals. Having come into contact with a dot, a mine will explode (this includes when it’s orbiting around you), the explosion radius being about the same as the firework explosions.

  8. Tristan says:

    Thank goodness, freemium games are disgusting!