Outwitters Q & A


Yesterday, we sat down with Owen Faraday of PocketTactics.com to talk about this game we’re almost done with. He threw us some Q’s, and we provided some effin’ A’s. You can read it all right now on the internet!

Categories: Outwitters

2 responses to “Outwitters Q & A”

  1. Jaeson says:

    I’m so happy =) A while back I posted on one of your updates (update 7 or 8?) saying that I hope your league system is like SC2. Now in your interview:

    Alex: “Iā€™m hopelessly addicted to Starcraft 2, so a lot of my design decisions try to pull from those experiences in working on Outwitters.”


  2. QuantumApocalypse says:

    Lol, tried the links starting from the end to the first one in an attempt to find the article.. Talk about inconvienienced. šŸ˜›