Poll: Reduce Turn Time Limit to 2 Days?
This poll is closed.
2 Days - Yes 28.72% 56 28.72%
4 Days - keep it the same 24.62% 48 24.62%
3 Days - A little bit of A and B 46.67% 91 46.67%
Total 195 vote(s) 100%
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Reducing Time Limit for Turns
01-12-2014, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2014 05:06 PM by QuicheLorraine.)
Post: #128
RE: Reducing Time Limit for Turns
Hello, Outwitters community,

Thanks for making such a fun game! When I am able to play games against engaged, active opponents, it is a blast.

That being said, I am confused about something regarding your game.

Ostensibly, a game is created so that people play it, or rather, they have the choice to play it or not.

With your game, even though I am a paying customer (I have done the upgrade granting the different factions), your game seems designed to dissuade me, or even restrict me entirely, from playing it.

As it is now, I have 20 games outstanding:

-in 6 of those games, I have submitted my move over 2 days ago
-6 more, over 1 day ago
-and the last 8 ranging from 1-2 hours.

The majority of these games have lost all cohesion, and I do not feel like I am playing a continuous game. They are stilted and blocky.

Maybe if these games weren't "League Play," where you can "Climb the Ranks" and "Battle Players," I would just forfeit the game and move on. But that defeats the whole purpose of ranked play. So while it is exciting that the game mode description is peppered with such action-packed verbs, putting an addendum such as follows, might be significantly less misleading:

"Wait for days/hours for another player to make a move so you can spend 1 minute responding with your own turn, and then wait for a few more days/hours to repeat the very time/cost ineffective process again! And oh, in those games where you are doing well, there is a possibility that the other player knows his chances of winning are not great, so he is just waiting out the time hoping you will forfeit the game since you are restricted to a certain number of active games at any 1 time. Trudge upwards!"

There are many different issues here, and just as many solutions.

Smile First, if you are a paying customer (i.e. have opted to buy any content), remove the game limit. I do sympathize with your bandwidth and hosting limitations, but hey, you are charging people for a service/access to a product, why not make it so they are paying for something they can access?

Smile Second, ok, so the margin is just too small, cash-flow just isn't predictable enough for the necessary server upgrades, etc. Again, may potential issues, many potential solutions.

-The game already has different sub-sets within each game, League 1v1, League 2v2, Friendly 1v1, etc. Why not make a more time sensitive mode for those players who enjoy playing a different pace than the currently implemented design paradigm allows?

"Timed League- Climb the Ranks! Battle players of similar skill in a timed contest that gives each player a certain net amount of time to play!"For example, in any given Timed League game, players A and B will each have 3 hours to make their moves for the designate game. Player A goes first. Since s/he just initiated the game, let's assume that he moves within the first 3 minutes. Player A has used 3 minutes up of his allotted time, and has 2 hours, 57 minutes remaining to use for the rest of the match. Player B, even though he just clicked the Timed League game, did so right before heading downstairs to work on his 1/100th-sized Edam cheese model of the Titanic. And good golly, he left his mobile device upstairs because it was charging and his Edam cheese workshop doesn't have any electrical outlets in order to eliminate the possible rise of the ambient temperature near his masterpiece. He works through the night and gets all of the deck chairs completed, while the game he started upstairs stagnated for his 3 allotted hours, and then he automatically resigned when his last grain of sand fell.

This suggestion is not there to penalize those of us who have interests, responsibilities, or demands outside of the game. On the contrary, it is striving to promote a more community-centric, more considerate game mode for those players who do not enjoying having 20 extant games at various stages at any 1 time.

Why the heck would the game design "penalize" Player A for being excited about playing and using those cool new 7 Wit characters he just paid for. I mean a teleporting whale?!? Cool! Oh, 20 games out, all League, looks like I am going to be waiting a few days . . .

Does that best serve the interest of anyone, game designers down to the end user?

Smile Lastly, change the universal time limit to something vastly shorter, like the poll attempted. As was stated, who knows how many users didn't even bother to vote, I don't think their silence can accurately be read as a vote for continuing the current 4 day limit. I myself have been playing this game for only 3 days (2 of which I have been waiting for a good portion of my opponents to finish their own Edam cheese sculptures.), and by the time I decided to sign up on this forum to vote, it had closed.

So this is me casting my vote : )

Thanks for reading. No TLDR for you. I hope a Onemanleft representative reads this. Later-

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