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Fighting the Bombshell matchup
11-06-2012, 04:51 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2012 06:33 AM by Emuchu.)
Post: #1
Fighting the Bombshell matchup
=D It's time for everyone's favorite topic! Love 'em or hate 'em, Bombshell is a game-defining unit that everyone has to base their strategies around. A shelled Bombshell is an immediate, incredibly hardy threat that locks down a large portion of the map. At 4 HP, you're looking to spend a massive amount of Wits to remove one from the field, especially one that is properly entrenched behind a wall of Soldiers.

So, I'm hoping to get some discussion and advice on how to go about facing off against a Bombshell, because I feel like I'm doing this all wrong!


As the Adorables, the most reliable way of taking out a Bombshell is by employing the Mobi Sniper technique. The idea is basically to have two Soldiers, Mobi, a Runner, and an unboosted Sniper available when the first Bombshell gets settled. The two soldiers kill one of the Soldiers guarding Bombshell (4 Wits), the Runner moves in to attack Bombshell for 1 HP (2 Wits), and Mobi jumps in to tele-snipe the Bombshell for 3HP (3Wits).

The main issue with the way I've been going about this, though, is that I often lose Mobi in the resulting counter-attack, and suddenly I'm at a severe Wit disadvantage that costs me the round.

One suggestion I've read from a post by Alvendor is to spawn 2 Mobis (making the second as my opponent would be spawning a second Bombshell), making sure that no more than 1 unit is within Bombshell splash range at any time, and saving up 12-15 Wits for the same attack as above, except that I now have a second Mobi to recall my other one with.

Watching some Calmon! replays, he often maneuvers around Bombshell areas, harassing a Bonus or Spawn with Mobi and forcing the Bombshells to change locations (costing 3 Wits and one turn to shell), but I've yet to develop the level of prediction necessary to pull something like that off.


So I'll leave the Feedback section open for people who have more experience than me: without Mobi, how do you guys tackle entrenched Bombshells? Go around? Hide a Scrambler somewhere? I'm just now trying out playing these guys, and I'm not sure how to approach with 'em.
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Fighting the Bombshell matchup - Emuchu - 11-06-2012 04:51 AM
RE: Fighting the Bombshell matchup - Gf!sh - 11-07-2012, 02:08 AM

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