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Uprooting old topics - Veggienaut buff suggestion
03-23-2014, 11:19 AM
Post: #21
RE: Uprooting old topics - Veggienaut buff suggestion
My favorite buff for Veggies was parent-child healing: Basically a hybrid of what we have now and what we had back when Bramble was OP: Medics can heal a parent thorn and heal each of its children as well, making 3 HP attacking thorns possible at the cost of +1 wit per chain (plus a wit to move the medic probably). Obviously you wouldn't be able to boost another 3HP thorn, because it's already boosted, so it would introduce some elements of strategy. I'm not sure if boosting the Bramble itself should boost all thorns though. It would encourage players to boost their Brambles, but it might be OP

I also would like to see a UI mod that highlights the children of a parent thorn when you select it. (in your team's color when you select it and in gray when you opponent does) so you don't have to check the replay 1000 times to figure out which thorns to attack.

GameCenter: ElPared
Master League Crying Foot Master League

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RE: Uprooting old topics - Veggienaut buff suggestion - ElPared - 03-23-2014 11:19 AM

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