All-Round All-Stars -- Finished! [WINNER: Mag!cGuy]
01-21-2013, 02:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2013 01:21 AM by Gf!sh.)
Post: #1
![]() All-Round All-Stars
King of All-Stars Mag!cGuy Prince of All-Stars ===Torbreck=== Major All-Star poweewee Minor All-Stars qbmlMexico [size=4]awpertunity hifimatlock palotO Apologies to awpertunity for seemingly representing a red dot. Especially in a certain game's context, that's not something to be proud of. This tournament will require you to be able to play strategically with ALL four races. As all battle, only one can remain, to be crowned King of All-Stars! Please use the following format when signing up: GC Name Nationality League - Points - Rank Uber Pack: Yes/No Signups are closed! Please don't sign up anymore! SPREADSHEET Format There will be three phases: 1st phase, Second phase and Eliminations. 1st Phase The 1st phase will pit all 120 competitors in 16 groups of 7-8 people each, depending on how you seeded. Everyone will face each of his group mates once, for a total of 6-7 games, of which 3-4 as P1, and 3-4 as P2. This is, again, dependant on how you seeded. P1 picks a map for each game, for which there are no map limitations. You'll have to play each race once or twice. All 1st Phase games will be played simultaniously. Per won game, you'll score one point. A loss is worth exactly null and void. Using a certain race more than two times, or not at all, will deduct one point per wrong number. I recommend keeping a note on your iThing, so you won't accidentaly pick a faulty race. In case you actually do, you may request a rematch up to turn 4. After that, you'll have to ask your opponent if he's allright with it. Your ranking in your group will be decided in following order of operations: -Total Points -Least deducts -Head-to-Head -Sonneborn-Berger-Score -Tiebreaker 1st and 2nd placed (32 total) will go straight to the Second phase, while 3rd placed gets pitted in the Play-offs, which consists of 2 games vs one other participant, where you have to play 2 different races, to fill the remaining 8 seats. In case of a tie, turn count will be decisive (fastest win wins). All play-off games will be played on Sweetie plains. If 3 or more players tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, a tiebreak sequence will be initiated. Each player will play one game against every other player. You'll have to play a different race for each game. Wins will be counted, and if there is no clear winner after that, turn counts of the games will be checked, and just like in the play-offs, fastest win wins. All tiebreak games will be played on SFI. Participants will be seeded in following procedure: 1. Top 200 ranking if applicable 2. League 3. Points 4. Rank And will be put in groups in following order: Code: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P For seeding the Play-offs, the 16 3rd placed will be splitsed into a top half and a bottom half (same seeding rules as above), and each player on the top half will be randomly paired with someone from the bottom half. How to read the spreadsheet There are three tabs for the 1st Phase, those are 1st Phase A-H, 1st Phase I-P and 1st Phase Details. On the 1st Phase A-H/I-P tabs, you will be greeted with two tables per group, seperated into two tabs to avoid the spreadsheet from being too large. On you left hand, there's a small ranking table, with the current standings listed per group. On your right, there's a results table, showing win/loss for each game, as well as race usage per player. Improv-mode arrows will show you that you should read results across columns (horizontally). On the 1st Phase Details tab, there's a third table for each group, layed out in a 4x4 pattern. This is probably the table you want to look at first. All games of a group are displayed here, with P1/P2 distrubution, so it's kinda very important that you look here. Per game, there are a couple pieces of data collected here:
Reporting results Firstly, you have to copy your replay link. How to do that:
I know that this is different from the 1st Phase, but now that there aren't so many games to be played, it's better this way. Second Phase The Second phase matches the 40 survivors in 4 groups of 5. You will play another Round-Robin, but this time, you'll play each opponent twice, once as P1, once as P2, for a total of another 8 games. Maps will be pre-decided per game. Again, you'll have to play each race twice. Scoring is identical to the 1st Phase. The top 2 of each group will move on to the Eliminations (16 total). Participants will be grouped like so: Code: A B C D E F G H With exceptions being made if you somehow happen to meet someone you already played against in the 1st Phase, in which case the lower seeded competitor will get shifted one spot to the left. How to read the spreadsheet There are two tabs for the Second Phase, titled Second Phase and Second Phase Details. These are very similar in layout to the 1st Phase tabs, with two notable differences:
The 16 competitors who are awesome enough to make it through the Second Phase will face off in a Double Elimination sequence. You may lose once, the second loss means you're eliminated. Everyone will start in Round 1, the winners will move on to round 2, while the losers play the losers' bracket round 1 (noted as round L1). The maps will be fixed per round. All rounds will be a best-of-3, where the prioritized seed (explained below) will get P1 in 2 of the 3 games (slight exception: the second finale round, noted as 'round +', will be a single game). Each of the 16 competitors will get a seed with following rules:
Additional info Time and Timeouts The only hard timeout limit i can place is the default 4-day timeout for all games. To make sure games keep moving smoothly, I will place a few additional rules on the games. 1st & Second Phase [shamelessly stolen from WWC] All games must be finished within 4 weeks. The Play-offs in the 1st Phase get 1 week playtime. The turn time limit is 48 hours, but will only come into effect when a game is not finished by the deadline. When you see a game sitting at '2 days', take a screenshot of it (hold both the 'power' button and the 'home' button simultaniously for a few seconds), and PM me the screenshot. If the game is not finished before the deadline, you will be awarded the win. If both players have screenshots of their opponent at two days, it will count as a double-forfeit (i.e. the game 'does not excist'). Games that go beyond 28 days where both players have been active will be allowed up to one week of additional time as long as someone lets me know. If there's still no result by then and both players are playing actively it will be considered a tie. If there's nothing reported and neither player has contacted me, the game will be a double-forfeit. Finally I'd like to ask all of you to not exploit these timeout rules and try to earn your wins and losses by playing. My intent for these rules is only to keep the tournament from stalling, not to create alternative ways for winning, please consider that. Eliminations Basically, each round has to be finished within 10 days. If you've got this far, I assume you know the drill. But I'll set one guideline for the not-so fast players. I will set a quotum for the game speed of 8 turns per game per person per week. Please notify me through PM if you can't finish your match(es) due to your opponent not keeping from that quotum. After your noticfication, I will verify the progress on your match(es) on your opponent via a PM. If that message remains unreplied within 72 hours, your matches will be counted as a fortfeit for the opponent. Due to the nature of double elimination, rounds 3 and 4 of the winners' bracket will have a more loose schedule of 20 days/round max (since the loser would have to wait for the loser's bracket to catch up to him). Replacements Of course, if someone doesn't play his game or ceases to start it, it shall be a loss to him. But if someone goes missing from the beginning of a round, he will be replaced by someone else: 1st Phase If someone signed up, but doesn't show up for the actual tourney, I'll replace him with the first person from the reserve list (the people who were just too late in their signups). Sounds easy (it really is!). Second Phase In the case where someone goes missing in the Second Phase, he will be replaced by either: A) The 3rd placed of his 1st Phase Group, if he died in the Play-offs; B) The person who was beaten by the 3rd placed of his 1st Phase Group. Example: The 2nd placed in Group J during the 1st Phase disappears in the Second Phase. The 3rd placed in Group J eliminated the 3rd placed in Group E in the Play-offs. In this case, the 3rd placed in Group E will replace the 2nd placed in Group J in the Second Phase. Eliminations If someone vanishes at Round 1 of the Eliminations, he can be replaced by the next player from the same group. In later rounds, I won't replace anyone. It just counts as a forfeit. Competitors poweewee awpertunity zer0cd ===Torbreck=== tco2540 connor3491 Mag!cGuy Necrocat219 TheBitPilot uvafan173 willythewile hifimatlock Terpfan1001 dowkstar 23swarm Pixieranger Pokhs +++daHsu+++ iNoSky KMan 29 amoffett11 .Memories. Ser Purple Wolf funklabqc harvarnold aginor8 Luftuberlegenheit Zyagna [trudog] billwake Volkanoflow Giu-BR =) Random Task (= $till kaizack basebal4lyf Dark Falkai Spidêr norahsul darkturtle35 *-(sassygirl)-* Geniscon izzilla Xerozen jimbo2shady Coolio - da best bmike jeradvelezdallas ===HDufus=== oostin222 xcaliburmy kRaZyXmAn NPSandler liner15 TheGoldenGriffin Wildtalon1851 JaMark82 EastArete qbmlMexico Pigpopper97 spacechef RandyRespin Somcalmetim Jakeyboy20 M0j06 bstock ChibiDufour derr furbong EkoFox P-fly49 回鱼 Zwiener14 Patrix86 jenaefeddock Mr.Speer cardgurl Philrock99 Yungfly Buzzlebee123 lugia77781 Henrygg98 madolesen Enrique11 11 JaxReb Cheeseburgerspleen Doodat Wordmonkey Madstrike36 paloto k2_style Gf!sh KHill11 NDRDOG bluharbour skunkyjoey jesusfuentesh Foe Crusher bodycount666 anniiiilicious Appojax nesterrSprinkles jbadams01 Willkfkffjfjdhjx chimP boy8 !_elle_! Goobeysgirl AmeGinchi Dr.LASR ShibaPugg FrozenFire9 Braytos converserock -joejohn22- Benaboods ($)jen32($) JJBuck10 Johnson9436 ZSF2112 thunder cliud |
01-21-2013, 02:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 06:42 AM by Dr.LASR.)
Post: #2
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Name - Darryl GC Name - Dr.LASR League - Rank - Points - Fluffy #1 302 Nationality - Canada Uber Pack: Yes/No - No atm, soon to be. |
01-21-2013, 03:43 AM
Post: #3
RE: Currently secret tournament.
GC Name !_elle_! League - Rank - Points Clever #5 -196 points Nationality American Uber Pack: Yes/No YES ![]() ![]() |
01-21-2013, 04:01 AM
Post: #4
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Name: Ernest
GC Name: EkoFox League - Rank - Points: Clever -- 7-14 -- 90-125 (Fluctuates) Nationality? American/Japanese Uber Pack: Yes |
01-21-2013, 04:29 AM
Post: #5
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Ser Purple Wolf Master - #18 - 79 USA Yes GC: Great Wolf Sif
01-21-2013, 04:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 10:32 PM by Jakeyboy20.)
Post: #6
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Gifted-7th-111 points 'MURICA Über pack? Ya buddy 1v1: ![]() 2v2 #140 with liner15 May the ninja frog be with you.... |
01-21-2013, 04:29 AM
Post: #7
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Master #3, 199 points (1 point behind #2) top 200:#152 USA Yes |
01-21-2013, 05:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2013 03:17 AM by Wildt4lon.)
Post: #8
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Add me!
GC Wildtalon1851 Clever, currently ranked #18 (bounces around) with 133 points. Uk Yes EDIT- Gifted, ranked # 49, 81 points. Once a master of nothing, now a noob to pretty much everything. Hiatus resolved. I stalk these hallways again. GC Silent_Dynasty because I'm indecisive and whatever ;u; |
01-21-2013, 05:16 AM
Post: #9
RE: Currently secret tournament.
GC +++daHsu+++
Master, somewhere between #3 and #32 (let's say #32 for now) USA Yes You think only Adorables use snipers on SFI? |
01-21-2013, 05:21 AM
Post: #10
RE: Currently secret tournament.
Gifted - #1 - 234 points USA Yes May the witts be ever in your favor... |
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