08-01-2012, 12:49 PM
Post: #201
08-01-2012, 01:35 PM
Post: #202
(08-01-2012 12:49 PM)K1NNYY Wrote: Great comeback Don't panic about early aggression. If you fight it off efficiently, you end up with a huge unit count advantage and you will likely win with your counterpush. Turn 4, you move your soldier standing next to his runner. You generally want to capitalize on your opponent leaving troops next to yours, since you can attack them for one Wit less than usual (since you don't have to move). Also, there's no need to use your medic to heal on that turn. You're spending 2 wits to save a unit that costs 2 wits. Plus, the Heavy will just be able to kill the one you didn't boost. Alternate move: soldier kills runner, other soldier moves and hits enemy soldier, spawn runner and move and finish off enemy soldier. You can lose a soldier to the heavy next turn, but you'll have the wits to spawn a new soldier and kill the heavy with your soldiers next turn if he does. You end up way ahead. Turn 6, good job killing enemy heavy, but I'd have used the last to wits to kill the runner next to your base using your heavy, instead of spawning a soldier. There's nothing you need another soldier for at that point in time. Turn 8, perfect except I'd have moved that last soldier adjacent to the enemy medic. Still kill the runner, but now you're forcing your enemy to spend a wit retreating the medic, lest you kill it with just one wit next turn. Turn 12, don't forget you can win by clogging the spawn point. He's only got a medic out and you win a wee bit sooner if you stop him from spawning attackers. Nice job, though! Your opponent's wild aggressive rush has no chance of beating you if you defend with efficient wit use. |
08-02-2012, 04:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2012 07:03 AM by NathanDetr0it.)
Post: #203
Here is a quickie with groan-inducingly poor play from my FTA-weilding opponent. This could be a tutorial in how not to rush on Sharkfood... Or just how not to play, period.
If anyone has any ideas on how I could've ended this even faster, please let me know. I was a little overawed by my opponent's aggression at first, but not for long. Also, a recent 1P win on peekaboo. |
08-03-2012, 03:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2012 03:17 AM by GreatGonzales.)
Post: #204
Loss to strong pressure on foundry. Would appreciate some advice from the community.
08-03-2012, 04:44 AM
Post: #205
(08-03-2012 03:14 AM)GreatGonzales Wrote: Loss to strong pressure on foundry. Would appreciate some advice from the community. First, Foundry is a challenging map to defend on. I didn't see very many unit control problems. I think on turn 4, I would have attacked the runner with the heavy and saved that movement wit to respond later. Also, turn 22, I would have taken out the soldier if you had the available wit rather than the runner. As you can see on the next turn, things don't go well. I think what did you in is that you moved your medic to the distant spawn, but built almost all your units at the base spawn. Once you are under pressure, that distant spawn is almost useless. I have been using moving the medic to the base spawn when I am player 2 on Foundry. It has allowed me to withstand most attacks, but there may be better ways to use medic in the distant spawn. Once he controls your wit space for a few turns, the game is essentially over. You are able to hold out for a while, but in the end the extra wit allows him to pressure you essentially for free. One thing you can consider doing is dropping a soldier on that wit space when it is blue, spending a turn not attacking then build and move an extra unit at your far spawn. This is very dangerous though, so you have to predict their moves well. Also, I couldn't easily tell how defensive your mindset was, but you should be comfortable taking a couple knocks on your base, since they are spending unnecessary wit to attack it that you can turn into a decent advantage. Just make sure you have a plan to keep it with at least 1 health ![]() |
08-03-2012, 06:09 AM
Post: #206
Thanks Syvan for the detailed response. I will review the replay of this game in the context of your advice and see what I should have done differently.. I think you're right about the medic, should move to base spawn if I am P2. Also, no I am no opposed to letting my opponent get some hits on the base...I guess I thought that I needed to get the unit advantage to avoid getting overrun. I also think that I needed to better handle defense of the lower bonus wit space; once I lost that my doom was sealed. But my opponent kept pressure up so I felt I needed to spend wits on base defense.
08-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Post: #207
This is my favourite win so far - my opponent whittled my base down to 1 HP but I never felt I lost control of the match (though came close), figuring I'd hold out long enough for my opponent to run low on wits/units then launch a counter-attack. And it worked. Feel free to give advice, I'm new to the game!
outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIQCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YlqNyDA |
08-04-2012, 12:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012 12:33 AM by Mag!cGuy.)
Post: #208
I'm proud of this battle, because I didn't start well, but at the end my adversary couldn't have done anything to stop me!
![]() Here you go! It's a top 5 Clever league match, so (him 400 points and I 250), so all advices are welcome! ![]() You can ask a... ![]() (drawing by Chemoeum) ![]() |
08-04-2012, 12:38 PM
Post: #209
![]() |
08-10-2012, 03:34 PM
Post: #210
This was one of the craziest games I've played. I've played only 2v2 for a while so I was a little rusty in solo match. This game featured 2 bombshells, 3 Scramblers, and both bases down to 1. The map was Peekaboo.
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