(07-16-2014 04:46 AM)CombatEX Wrote: D. Other thoughts
1. +2 wit spaces Perhaps implementing a type of wit space that gives +2 wits would prove beneficial to gameplay (as brainstormed in the comments of a thread I posted a while ago on predictability and turtling in Outwitters). On most maps there is a clear optimal path of approach when attacking your opponent. There is still enough variety that Outwitters is by no means stale, but I believe opening up other possible routes of attack would improve gameplay. One of the issues I addressed is that harassment of certain wit spaces is always inefficient and ultimately not worthwhile which closes off these routes of attack for good players.
Why are certain wit spaces not worthwhile? They are much further away from your spawn spaces than your opponent's and/or are not along the most direct attack path towards your opponent's base (for example, the top wit spaces on Long Nine or the top left and bottom right wit spaces on Foundry). These spaces occasionally see some action but more often than not they see none. By making these out-of-the-way wit spaces more valuable, it opens up the potential for new attack paths that aren't always directly towards your opponent's base.
Hmm. My memory may be failing me but I feel like we had +X wit spaces in pre-release during beta (more than 1 wit bonus), as well as multiple wit spaces. The general conclusion we came away from it is if it is ever contentious (meaning it's a pathway to attack for both sides) it magnified FTA issues.