(09-13-2012 12:25 AM)oneadamleft Wrote: (09-09-2012 08:45 AM)awpertunity Wrote: (07-10-2012 02:23 AM)oneadamleft Wrote: We're thinking about increasing the game limit for anyone that's bought anything. Keep an eye on the updates; it'll probably happen.
But that didn't happen.... People who have bought something remained at 20 games, and even with the uber pack have to purchase another, as Combat puts it, microtransaction to actually increase this beyond 20.
Here's the thread I pulled that from if anyone's interested, http://www.onemanleft.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=225
That said, I love this game and definitely am enjoying it and won't stop playing it anytime soon. But the idea that future features may not be available to me even though I purchased the falsely advertised "all inclusive pack" is quite offputting.
Sorry I overlooked this. We didn't go through with the increase because it would have hit us pretty hard at a time when we aren't doing so awesome. If the numbers were healthier, we'd have just given everyone a limit increase and not even done an IAP.
But you can rest assured, the uber pack DOES entitle you to all future team pack additions, including the one next update. If we decide to add avatars or something like that, those probably won't be included. That's purely a business decision, to help us close the gap and break even on this game.
Aw sorry to hear that. It's such a great game!!
You guys still have got my support!