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The Soon To Be Elite Tournament - Season 1 - Discussion Thread
10-29-2013, 10:42 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2013 03:36 AM by HuskyPete.)
Post: #4
RE: The Soon To Be Elite Tournament - Season 1 - Discussion Thread
Round 1: Foundry-bye

Round 2: Reaper- loss

*cries in corner

I should have followed Doodat's route and blind jumped my runner to kill his sniper. I did not, I am dead...

Round 3: Long Nine- outwitters://viewgame?id=ahRzfm91dHdpdHRlcnNnYW1lLWhyZHIVCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YgICA4M3lgAkM
Ryan came for the kill immediately and might have had me but I was very cautious bringing my runner down to see that he was setting me up. I think a key mistake here was on turn 9. If he had brought his soldier straight up instead of moving to kill my runner I might have been in trouble? Good game Ryan. Very aggressive.

Round 4: Thorn Gulley- win

Well, I think we both made a good amount of mistakes here so I'll be general lol. I wonder about turn 7. He spent a lot to get on my wit space in that turn. Not sure it was worth it. Soon after that he attempted to attack up the middle, but I had been preparing defense and really crippled him there. I had a pretty big advantage from then on. I was constantly waiting for the scrambler to appear, but it never did. I am not sure if my weak attack up the middle was worthwhile. I forgot he had that sniper there. It didn't hurt me too much and I liked keeping his numbers down since I had the advantage in troops. I felt like a 1:1 trade off actually benefitted me, but I wonder if I waited a bit and fully attacked, I could have won sooner. The rest was just setting up my army for the attack. I did steal his wit spot (again I was sure a scrambler was coming!) which have me more strength for the eventual finishing blow. Good game! I never felt comfortable even after defending the attack. Nice job it was fun.

Round 5: Peekaboo- win

This really started before it started! I know spacechef is a good player from his other replays, so I chose scally to play defense. Then when we started he made a spacey comment that made me feel like he was really confident. I decided to play as conservatively as possible. So we both started amassing troops. On turn 24, he attacks, and I do a decent job defending, I think. But then I make a pretty poorly planned counter. I thought he was dead, but he had more troops back. When he attacked again and I repelled again, I can see now that I should have probably been more aggressive. However, at this time, I was unsure of myself after the last time I moved forward, so I took it slow. The rest of the game, was me slowly cornering him, until I meet his 3 scramblers! But at this point he was kind of stuck. I think spacechef played great and really made me think a lot. I think his only hope was to try to attack me much earlier. Anyway, 87 turns! Not the prettiest win, but I'm happy to beat such a good player. Great game.

Round 6: Sweetie Plains

Round 7: Foundry- outwitters://viewgame?id=ahRzfm91dHdpdHRlcnNnYW1lLWhyZHIVCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YgICA4IDc9QsM

Not too much to say here. I think after losing his sniper on turn 3, it kind of put him in a bit of desperation mode (just a guess of course), but I was able to really get a huge unit advantage over the next few turns. My end game was pretty shaky, at best, and he could have actually extended the game by spawning a sniper on his last turn, moving it forward and killing a runner, but I think the game was pretty much over at that point. I really think the sniper kill may have rattled him a bit, at least I know that has happened to me before. You make an early mistake, and instead of staying calm you follow with more mistakes. Been there many times!

Round 8: Sharkfood Island- loss

Turn 14 makes me want to cry. I lost the game there clearly. When I saw the second level of soldier , I got scared that he didn't have a scrambler. But whatever. I should have scrambled his soldier either way. Terrible move and very costly in the tournament.

Round 9: Glitch-loss
This one seems pretty clear. I set up anticipating his scrambler set up. On turn 15, I thought for a while about going for the blind attack since I was in position to kill his scrambler if he did build it. I knew if I didn't attack and he had it, I lost. But if he didn't have it and I attacked, he could then spawn it. I wimped out and went conservative. Game over. Good game man. I should have trusted my gut, but it would have been a total guess.

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RE: The Soon To Be Elite Tournament - Season 1 - Discussion Thread - HuskyPete - 10-29-2013 10:42 PM

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