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Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
07-26-2014, 04:45 AM
Post: #1
Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
Updated for July 25th, 2014

Top 1v1 Players

1. LER4T
2. poweewee
3. Dam!rka
4. -:- 「Cloud」 -:-
5. ===Torbreck===
6. Uyduruk00
7. burnodrod
8. ! Secret !
9. belisar1us
10. awpertunity
11. pytosz
12. Mag!cGuy
13. GendryStorm
14. zoidburglar
15. Trumpet.Alan
16. ykatansa
17. -Doctor Freeman-
18. The Great Habudabi
19. mmatt123
20. rcsum
21. _thepenismightier_
22. annemariew28
23. DeJosselin
24. Bad Herr Day
25. rasoolali89
26. - Japsie -
27. Husky Pete
28. Mari BK
29. amoffett11
30. Timperate
31. jessievangogh
32. Calabster
33. aymoto
34. Transamcycle
35. Jey0264
36. necrocat219
37. jpeezy numero 2
38. Sky Foogle
39. (%)Drikus(%)
40. onoff
41. Kazaman2
42. Soronin
43. HilbertSpace
44. The Dominant Killer Sr
45. Tim Lund
46. MacRazorback
47. Praise-Gbus
48. sdmario
49. alanthefast
50. AlliDooisRush
51. HairballRemedy
52. lawtai
53. Syvan
54. kongkamp
55. nate94127
56. TheGreatAnt
57. chiefski101
58. thcdoremi
59. joey b great
60. alig 38
61. nevergone_sc
62. xx uNo xx
63. Tsoku
64. aldostiglitz
65. "YourBunnyWrote"
66. -stranger----
67. Lucila Valdettaro
68. TheBitPilot
69. Scrambula
70. .Memories.
71. ggggggggkkkkkk
72. EricRT
73. Jon8898
74. Tarn3009
75. kanzmanz
76. laowaibirnie
77. * J Money *
78. jmarnstein
79. Sep1roth
80. --<цукерман>--
81. Forefall
82. Kathmawe
83. oatsie
84. greenscrew
85. Extreme Ghost
86. laser-guy
87. D Randolph
88. flogue-le
89. =J0$)-(=
90. ShAdOw.* 198
91. Tiecoon
92. duta sniperz
93. TboneHammer
94. Wally Scag
95. manisor
96. !_(J4cob)_!
97. norahsul
98. =) Random Task (=
99. HamptonDad007
100. ScottWozniak
101. jeremydouglass
102. xap a
103. Gaebora the Owl
104. ch0pchop14
105. Eijolend
106. charlie mcnoodle
107. -.DuMontster.-
108. iShot!
109. j_s_n_v
110. JohnyA33
111. djoklhune
112. Xikhque
113. Dishboy4rent
114. TheBarrow
115. g00df00t
116. giorgaky
117. Neb55555
118. RandyDogz
119. mini chainsaw
120. >> Major Tom <<
121. Panorama 65
122. wernerw11
123. FatWolfBerry
124. sarnoxer
125. chainsaw76
127. -DuMonster-
128. ILLicit-ACE
129. myninja208
130. KR 86
131. G3ntleB3ast
132. mouse chow
133. A BH T
134. Young Geezy-
135. TheGreatErenan
136. Damaja415
138. anfoufou
139. Besessen
140. sistersnarky
141. Joanmaru
142. Maestrokneer
143. xerozen
144. jf1nkle
145. jzgers
146. _unipede_
147. thatsdaddytoyou
148. 76king
149. Vardinhio
150. thewileymancan

Top 2v2 Arranged Teams

1. jessievangogh & hifimatlock
2. Gurleyman & krogoth300
3. - Japsie - & acameronp
4. Turnip Master & antiturnip
5. 0 Zero & ASingleKindle
6. Catfud & jesusfuentesh
7. paco bru & 4munt
8. jesusfuentesh & AlliDooisRush
9. pytosz & sdmario
10. tomasthundiyil & iNoSky
11. j1flash & Dr. Ghost 35
12. hifimatlock & [<Mars>]
13. mustapuna & Panorama 65
14. Phil Avery & estongki
15. iNoSky & thatsdaddytoyou
16. Naturalgasman & fossilfuelsman
17. Dishboy4rent & -Fammo-
18. baustin42 & AlliDooisRush
19. baustin42 & Chemoeum
20. ILLicit-ACE & Kerplowy
21. Wegotsangels & Yoyo 1121
22. rewphus & MrBimble
23. itsgotime99 & Itsgotime98
24. ScottWozniak & itsgotime99
25. tomasthundiyil & ScottWozniak
26. ggggggggkkkkkk & *Ole47*
27. igohard inthepaint & cd3tf
28. Mr.Thanksgiving & A30N 1
29. 76king & j_s_n_v
30. aymoto & DannyPolaroid
31. alanthefast & TheGreatAnt
32. J*Swizzy & TheHoodsLastHope
33. segamatic & bawk11
34. Tiecoon & annemariew28
35. ggggggggkkkkkk & ?(Birdo)?
36. Blue_Krait & G3ntleB3ast
37. Dave Savage & bluharbour
38. DanS218 & dam005
39. pimentium & Saffiko
40. 3Cookie33 & ===Torbreck===
41. fossilfuelsman & dbruntz1125
42. Wakenator & josh.360
43. Gabricare1 & FranzVonFritz
44. Husky Pete & lawtai
45. ggggggggkkkkkk & ===Torbreck===
46. AlliDooisRush & Juslas
47. mr_13en & Husky Pete
48. Killerind & senseless headache
49. wernerw11 & firelpriest
50. Itsgotime98 & thatsdaddytoyou
51. TheGreatAnt & Ryzuma
52. Colonel Turk & tomasthundiyil
53. Surprise_AZ & FlemingsOnTheGo
54. Juslas & poweewee
55. japanthony & attractivecousin
56. sausyn & Denduzzo
57. FreeBeerHere & Bad Herr Day
58. midview2000 & [X3JA]
59. tomasthundiyil & jesusfuentesh
60. WojoVaults & TrojanUSC1
61. -DuMonster- & GendryStorm
62. chainsaw76 & mini chainsaw
63. sorbeda74 & giorgaky
64. Kerplowy & spersic
65. titourio & drico88
66. pmerm & mohammajeed
67. MacRazorback & Turbo Shred
68. Kenshinluo & PremierWald
69. sarnoxer & awpertunity
70. WojoVaults & -.DuMontster.-
71. chainsaw76 & JonChain
72. atm1072002 & JNate20
73. Turbo Shred & thcdoremi
74. na t10 & sdmario
75. dr ratdog & _shutyourface_
76. w/e4life & koby2011
77. The Dominant Killer Sr & charliebean47
78. urhk & BossAgLB
79. bmike & TheBarrow
80. Wakenator & -DuMonster-
81. azael316 & axel0917
82. dockellis13 & nothingspecial
83. Extreme Ghost & FrozenNorthernKid
84. nvmemvp & Chemoeum
85. TheHoodsLastHope & santo0186
86. rasoolali89 & Sonja Drexler
87. BLACKW!NG & BHP 25
88. willi355 & blauentag
89. myninja527 & myninja208
90. C00persPappa & magnusedberg
91. rasoolali89 & Kathmawe
92. xerozen & fruit slicing master
93. ggggggggkkkkkk & birds are dumb
94. peteteris & Parks-

Top 2v2 Random Players

1. [<Mars>]
2. alanthefast
3. - Japsie -
4. Phil Avery
5. WojoVaults
6. =J0$)-(=
7. Wojtekb80
8. manisor
9. jself7
10. pengin369
11. Mewyx
12. Juslas
13. TrojanUSC1
14. -.DuMontster.-
15. jesusfuentesh
16. TheBarrow
17. itsgotime99
18. flogue-le
19. senseless headache
20. Alvendor
21. koby2011
22. _thepenismightier_
23. EricRT
24. tomasthundiyil
25. FippyMan
26. Besessen
27. rcsum
28. haggerhouse
29. *-(sassygirl)-*
30. zecams
31. Ryzuma
32. baustin42
33. bawk11
34. G3ntleB3ast
35. j_s_n_v
36. aymoto
37. ?(Birdo)?
38. RaerBaer
39. Dr. Ghost 35
40. BK VII
41. iNoSky
42. [Admiral 77]
43. !DavidS
44. spersic
45. red0rca
46. nvy.ipad.4.1
47. greenscrew
48. Denduzzo
49. *(Loon)*
50. Husky Pete
51. sorensoc
52. applezer0
53. Zioxyl
54. Oran Juice Jones
55. FatWolfBerry
56. Praise-Gbus
57. Concept of Glory
58. na t10
59. sizzlinsean
60. Super Haole

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan
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07-26-2014, 05:56 AM
Post: #2
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
Hey baustin, we made #19 on 2v2a! But check out the turnip team on #4, the ones we lost to... [Image: b5snBYh.png]

I am GameCenter's Chemoeum.

RIP, DL banner.


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07-26-2014, 08:55 AM
Post: #3
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
(07-26-2014 05:56 AM)Chemoeum Wrote:  Hey baustin, we made #19 on 2v2a! But check out the turnip team on #4, the ones we lost to... [Image: b5snBYh.png]

Turnips are too shiny...

I represent all leagues. Except Diamond League.
Super-Titan w/AlliDooisRush (#19)
Master League 1v1 (#141), 2v2 random (#44), w/Chemoeum (#33), w/SanDiego2 (#112)
gifted w/FrozenNorthernKid (IA)
clever w/jaksd, w/LegacyofEight
fluffy w/jbadams01 (ded)
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07-26-2014, 09:16 AM
Post: #4
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
Baustin- we're gonna make this list someday

Once a Wolfpack, always a Wolfpack
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07-26-2014, 09:31 AM
Post: #5
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
(07-26-2014 09:16 AM)LegacyofEight Wrote:  Baustin- we're gonna make this list someday

Dude for sure top 10

I represent all leagues. Except Diamond League.
Super-Titan w/AlliDooisRush (#19)
Master League 1v1 (#141), 2v2 random (#44), w/Chemoeum (#33), w/SanDiego2 (#112)
gifted w/FrozenNorthernKid (IA)
clever w/jaksd, w/LegacyofEight
fluffy w/jbadams01 (ded)
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07-26-2014, 10:56 AM
Post: #6
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
We're 18 Wink

Doowhat? Doodat? Okey:3

1v1 Super-Titan - Peak #32 // Current #56 as AlliDooisRush
2v2 - w/jesusfuentesh #7
2v2 Master League - w/baustin #17 // w/Juslas #85 // Randoms #38
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07-26-2014, 02:01 PM
Post: #7
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
We're talking about baustin a lot on this thread.

I am GameCenter's Chemoeum.

RIP, DL banner.


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07-26-2014, 02:47 PM
Post: #8
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
Noooooo! My Adorables account has surpassed my Feedback account! Angry

[PETA] Cor13:4 Wrote:Mobi killed the Scallywag star,
He hit him on the base with his sniper from afar,
He tried to block the alley, but didn't get far,
That's how the Mobi killed the Scallywag star

Best Feedback rank (TGH) 3rd
Best Adorables rank (-DF-) 12th
Best Scallywags rank (-TAM-) 25th
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07-27-2014, 04:28 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014 04:28 AM by Chemoeum.)
Post: #9
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
(07-26-2014 02:47 PM)The Great Habudabi Wrote:  Noooooo! My Adorables account has surpassed my Feedback account! Angry

That says something big.

I am GameCenter's Chemoeum.

RIP, DL banner.


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07-27-2014, 04:39 AM
Post: #10
RE: Weekly Top 200 - 7/25/2014
I have a 100% win rate vs your adorables account Wink

Doowhat? Doodat? Okey:3

1v1 Super-Titan - Peak #32 // Current #56 as AlliDooisRush
2v2 - w/jesusfuentesh #7
2v2 Master League - w/baustin #17 // w/Juslas #85 // Randoms #38
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