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Replay speed? - Printable Version

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Replay speed? - MrJSaul - 12-21-2012 03:21 AM

I would play more games if I could cycle through the replay of my opponents moves faster. There is a long delay before the replay even starts and after I watch this 10 times I could have played a few more turns. Is there a way to speed up the replay speed?


RE: Replay speed? - TheQwertiest - 12-21-2012 03:23 AM

i think that delay depends on how long your opponent decided before moving.

RE: Replay speed? - brayton - 12-27-2012 06:57 PM

Is there a limit to the lengh or could we trol the opponent by using bramble, stockpile wits, and then take a mighty long time before spreading bramble roots everywhere- so the replay lasts forever.
Or just to keep device awake but not moving
Think its too long bettwene movements.

RE: Replay speed? - QuantumApocalypse - 12-27-2012 07:11 PM

The delays are generated by the game itself, to lower the predictability of the wits expended:time ratio, as previously it was very accurate.

If you spent all that time taking a turn, you wouldn't be trolling anyone but yourself Tongue

RE: Replay speed? - brayton - 12-28-2012 10:07 AM

Yes- thats usually how things work- going to a lot of effert to anoy someone, they just shrug while you waited crouching in the dark for miniutes waiting to scare them- and they arent even shocked. Smile
They could even just skip the replay :o
I remember a few years ago i entered heeps of peoples friends emails into a web based game that didnt require email activation- and i clicked the send me a message every week about updates and special offers-Smile
Sooo funny, they dont even care about it- i was just wasting time