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The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Round 1.5 - Printable Version

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RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Necrocat219 - 11-18-2012 12:52 AM

We are already in season 2? I thought it hasn't started yet?

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - CombatEX - 11-18-2012 07:38 PM

So this is how it works. Every 3 months is a season. Season 1 was August, September, October. Season 2 is November, December, January. So yes, we are a few weeks into Season 2. However, the tournament for Season 1 has not started yet. At the end of each Season there is a tournament based on the results of the previous season. This means that whenever a Season tournament is occurring, the actual ladder Season is the next one. So for example when Season 5 of ladder is taking place, we will be having the Season 4 Tournament (the tournament based on the results of Season 4 of ladder).

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Necrocat219 - 11-18-2012 10:12 PM

Sorry the reason why I sound shocked because everyone was saying that there will be a season reset in the transition between 1 and 2, did that idea get scrapped?

Thanks for explaining the tournaments but I do understand it

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Da Wizerd - 11-19-2012 12:02 AM

I'll throw my hat in for reserve.

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Alvendor - 11-19-2012 08:24 AM

I'm signing up as well!

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - CombatEX - 11-19-2012 10:20 AM

Gfich, I would like to have a group stage as in the World Cup as you suggested, but do you think it is practical as far as time goes? Also, it doesn't seem as necessary with a mere 16 participants. In a way, you can think of the group stages as having already passed as is the case in the World Cup's RO16. I'm thinking that we really do want to finish the tournament by the end of each Season lest we continuously roll over into the next one.

(11-19-2012 08:24 AM)Alvendor Wrote:  I'm signing up as well!

Great news =)

(11-18-2012 10:12 PM)Necrocat219 Wrote:  Sorry the reason why I sound shocked because everyone was saying that there will be a season reset in the transition between 1 and 2, did that idea get scrapped?

Thanks for explaining the tournaments but I do understand it

Okay. So I what I meant by a 'transition' was a transition between tournaments, not seasons. Seasons as far as league is concerned are continuous even when they progress to the next season (after all, there isn't some arbitrary period when players stop playing league). However, there is a break between season tournaments. So, each tournament should finish within the three month season. However, we aren't going to start the next tournament right at the start of the next season as then this would be back-to-back. This would mean we would have to start signups in the middle of the previous tournament, players wouldn't have a break, organizers wouldn't have a break, etc. So, instead we will have the first month of the next League Season be the signup period for the Season tournament.


AUG-SEP-OCT: Season 1 League
NOV-DEC-JAN: Season 2 League
FEB-MAR-APR: Season 3 League
MAY-JUN-JUL: Season 4 League

As you can see, it's continuous.

AUG-SEP-OCT: No tournament
NOV (First month of Season 2): Season 1 Tournament Sign-ups
DEC-JAN (Remainder of Season 2): Season 1 Tournament
FEB (First month of Season 3): Season 2 Tournament Sign-ups
MAR-APR (Remainder of Season 3): Season 2 Tournament
MAY (First month of Season 4): Season 3 Tournament Sign-ups
JUN-JUL (Remainder of Season 4): Season 3 Tournament

You can see we have a transitional period between each tournament.

NOTE: Sign-up period isn't set in stone, it could only be 2 weeks for example.

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Necrocat219 - 11-19-2012 10:49 AM

Aaah right I understand now Smile thanks for the explanation, we are trying to get some organization here I see. Also makes it easier to plan too.

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - 1010100011 - 11-20-2012 01:40 PM

I am willing to play in the tournament.

I am #15 on that list, 101010011.

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - CombatEX - 11-21-2012 06:08 AM

Thanks 1010100011. Also, blueswimmer95 will NOT be joining us (probably too busy).

RE: The Super-Duper-Titan Tournament! (Season 1) - Needz Confirmations! - Necrocat219 - 11-21-2012 08:40 AM

Resisting... urge to correct name spelling