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Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - FINISHED - Printable Version

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RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - laYahooz - 12-09-2012 01:45 AM

(12-08-2012 09:55 PM)Eijolend Wrote:  That's sad to hear, Butternut, but thanks for telling me in advance!

Hmm what am I gonna do with those match ups now...

Well two dropped out so we got an even number than right?

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - Eijolend - 12-09-2012 11:56 AM

Yeah it's an even number, but Saren and Judment already played each other and I don't want to shift the whole bracket around - so I'll probably just award a win to both unless somebody comes in now and says they haven't started their game yet somehow.

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - GoHeat 3 - 12-09-2012 01:47 PM

Long Nine
P1 GoHeat3
P2 TheQwertiest

Long Nine
P1 TheQwertiest
P2 GoHeat3

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - TheQwertiest - 12-09-2012 01:47 PM


RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - GoHeat 3 - 12-09-2012 01:48 PM


RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - laYahooz - 12-09-2012 02:52 PM

Long nine
Winner: laYahooz
Replay: outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YtrOJAgw
Very cool game! As P1 I decided to initiate a long game.
I made some good trades with my scrambler in the upper half the map. Bmike was a great match though and I'm sure he thought this was a good game. We're currently in our other one. I'm expecting bmike will want revenge Tongue

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - grc - 12-11-2012 08:00 PM

Map: Long nine
P1: g r c
P2: Ser Purple Wolf
Winner: g r c

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - laYahooz - 12-12-2012 12:01 PM

Long nine
P1: bmike
P2: laYahooz
Winner: laYahooz
Replay: outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIRCxIIR2FtZVJvb20Y7KGDAgw
An even closer game! Bmike could of actually won but I think he believed I had more troops up top at the end. I also probably scared him into thinking he lost when I took every wit space Tongue

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - Guthleps - 12-12-2012 04:59 PM

Game over for me and lawtai. Two hard fought wins for guthleps! Two pretty different games, the second having a scary amount of troops deployed at one point!

replay 1

replay 2

RE: Fluffy to Gifted Tournament - ROUND 4 - Eijolend - 12-13-2012 04:51 AM

Ok everything should be updated!

Gfich, G_Spell how are your games going?