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Getting First Turn - Printable Version

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RE: Getting First Turn - GreatGonzales - 09-28-2012 11:49 PM

(09-28-2012 06:27 PM)garcia1000 Wrote:  Peekaboo *
Sweetie Plains **
Sharkfood Island ***
Long Nine ***
Glitch ****
Foundry *************

I think Peekaboo should be higher than Sweetie Plains! Sweetie Plains is probably the most balanced IMO.

RE: Getting First Turn - vivafringe - 09-29-2012 03:39 AM

Really? Sweetie Plains?

As 1p pretty much all my games go like this:

1) I kill his sniper with scout spam
2) Mob his right-hand witpoint with 3-4 soldiers

As 2p I am scrambling to keep my sniper alive and defend against the push I do as 1p. The problem is that even if I fight off that push I still can't win, because I have a bunch of useless soldiers that would have to move like 4 times to attack.

My list is probably something like:

Peekaboo *
Long Nine ***
Sharkfood Island ***
Sweetie Plains ****
Glitch ****
Foundry *************

RE: Getting First Turn - TheQwertiest - 10-29-2012 01:22 PM

I ALWAYS get P2 on league games and when I do get the chance to create 5-8 P1 games it just disappears after 2 days without anybody joining.. this has been going on for about 3 weeks to a month and its starting to get to me.. Sad

RE: Getting First Turn - Emuchu - 10-29-2012 04:21 PM

The way I go about my business is to semi-stack the queue. I'll start games, getting Player 2 pretty often as I wade through the open games, and once I get to the point where I'm the only one making games, I'll continue to stack it until I have some Player 1 games, as well. It'll be less of an issue once the FTA patch is in place, but as it is, I'm getting really tired of losing to dumb Player 1 rush shenanigans against the Rank 1 Masters. I had a guy on Sharkfood skip his first turn (just took the Wit Space) so he could spawn a turn 3 Bombshell and walk the guy up to my base before I had a pair of eyes out. Granted, I'm looking for dumb stuff like that, now, but it'd be nice to have a better response to it.

And, y'know, save my Sniper on Foundry, he's kinda important.