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Enhancement request: dry-run mode - Printable Version

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RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - Thrutchy - 07-16-2013 05:22 AM

There are more ways than that to move units in what is the FoW at the beginning of the turn. Here are a few that I can think of:
* move mobi to FoW edge and teleport unit into the FoW (as you said)
* grow a chain (2+) of thorns into FoW (as you said)
* kill something that is blocking vision and move something into the FoW
* spawn something that increases vision and move into the FoW
* scramble something near the FoW and move it into the FoW

Are you saying all moves would need to be confirmed before attacking? If so, I don't think this enhancement would bring much value. Almost everytime I want to try out a different set of plays for a turn, it involves at least one attack (usually multiple). I'd like to try different ways of attacking and see what the position looks like at the end.

RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - TheGoldenGriffin - 07-16-2013 09:44 AM

*3) since killing confirms, the FoW would change and not block vision anymore
*4) since you'd have to see where your unit is going, it requires changing the FoW so you would get the "you must confirm your moves before changing the FoW" message
*5) scrambling counts as attacking so the FoW would change

If you moved a soldier and killed the heavy, you just confirmed those moves so you can't undo the soldier moving and attacking and the FoW would change. If you see a Bombshell now, you can plan your Mobi sniper + supporting unit move + protection but you don't know what else in in the FoW. You can undo all those moves to the point the FoW last changed (soldier attacks and kills heavy). So you could spawn a runner and move it, then confirm to change the FoW and see more. If if its safe to do the Mobi sniper + supporting unit + protection move then you can proceed with the attack.

RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - Thrutchy - 07-16-2013 12:26 PM

So you only talking about handling only a sequence of moves before committing to them? I don't think that gives enough benefit over the current move confirmation to be useful. This might help eliminate a fraction of misclicks and some stupid moves, but not with planning a turn. I'm asking for something to help easily explore various options for a turn, like you can do in heros academy, but without revealing anything that shouldn't be (i.e. whats inside FoW and thorn children).

RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - TheGoldenGriffin - 07-16-2013 05:12 PM

Well you can't plan a whole turn based on what you see originally, which is why i made attacking change the FoW, so you'd plan your movement order and wit spending before attacking

A solution might be to allow attacking but it would give Bramble a big nerf because player could test which thorn patches to kill to get rid of the most thorn patches.

Another solution is to make mother thorn patch killing an exception

RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - Thrutchy - 07-16-2013 10:02 PM

99% of the time, I plan my my entire turn before doing anything. I use what I currently see, what I've seen in replays, speculation, and sometimes counting opponent wits. If I can, I start with plays that increase my vision and limit the vision of my opponent. If I find anything unexpected, I'll replan at that point. I assume this is standard procedure for a ST.

I'm talking about a tool to help with the mechanics of this planning. It would be the equivalent of brain simulated a turn. Information not available at the beginning of the turn (or the start of this mode) cannot be revealed (i.e. FoW contents, what are thorn children). It is only a dry-run and may not be actually playable.

This request is clearly a long shot. For me, I'd appreciate this improvement more than anything else because it reduces how much time I spend in a game. So, I thought I'd ask anyway.

Oh, and remember the wit for kill? To use all your wits in a big attack, you'll want to save one non-killing play until the end. Killing earlier can also give more vision. All moves first and then attack would many times not work well.

RE: Enhancement request: dry-run mode - TheGoldenGriffin - 07-16-2013 11:22 PM

Oh, i didn't mean all moves first, you could confirm anytime you want