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What does it take to enter the masters league? - Printable Version

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RE: What does it take to enter the masters league? - Tidehawk - 05-16-2013 06:29 PM

What other factors are included in this ranking?
Strength of opponent - does this mean their win/lose ratio or their rank?
Game score - if you win 5-0 to say 2-0 does that increase your rank?
Win style - Is it better for your rank to take out the base or to eliminate and capture barracks?
Idle time - Are you penalized for playing the meta game? i.e. stretching out games you are in danger of losing
Race - Does it help you rank if you win with various races and not just one?

Also, I see many people talking that a certain number of wins in a row earns a promotion. That indicates to me that this hidden rank is only looking or prioritizing the last number of games. How many games is that? If so we might be able to play the meta game to our advantage if we know how many.

Perhaps I will go on some star craft 2 forums for these answers because they have a very highly evolved league ranking system and these guyz seem to be emulating it.



RE: What does it take to enter the masters league? - [PETA] Cor13:4 - 05-16-2013 10:46 PM

I think it's already been determined that it's not that complicated. You have a hidden ranking that is like an Elo system. You get points for beating opponents, you lose points for losing.

The number of points you get is more if you beat a higher ranked opponent, and likewise you lose more if you lose to a lower ranked opponent.

How you win the game doesn't matter, just that you won or loss. Base points left, etc. doesn't seem to matter.

You will get promoted generally when your hidden ranking passes a certain threshold.

The reason you can be #1 in your division, but not promoted, is because the league points is not the same as hidden ranking. You gain more league points per win than per loss, so league points is an indication that you play a lot, but not that your hidden ranking is going up.

For example, even if you won 1/2 your games (meaning you are not moving up or down in hidden ranking), your league points will keep going up, because you get more league points for winning than losing.